Friday, March 09, 2018

Heads Up

Or rather, heads down.  If you happened by today to say hi and check in on my usual Friday Fave Fives, I'm sorry I haven't posted.  I'm on the edge of getting sick and trying to rest.  Hopefully, I'll be back in a day to catch up.


Karen said...

Feel better soon!

Gail C. said...

Lots of liquids (chicken soup, hot tea with lemon and honey) and lots of rest. Also, stay partially upright instead of lying flat if coughing is involved. Hope you feel better soon.

Optimistic Existentialist said...

I hope you feel better. I am sending you some imaginary tea :)

Anonymous said...

So sorry. Take it easy and hydrate...Mary

ellen b. said...

Hope you are feeling better by now.

Tracy said...

Hope you are feeling better, Willow! Hope you're on the mend celebrating your birthday--HAPPY DAY :))) ((HUGS))