Friday, April 13, 2018

Extreme Week

Have you ever experienced a fifty degree change in temperature in one day?  That's what happened to us this week!  Willow's Adventures in Southern California include some other ups and downs.  But let's focus on the ups, the Friday Fave Fives right now.

1.  The Professor and I decided to join my brother and sister-in-law for a few days in Death Valley National Park.  Now I know you all realize that Death Valley means hot and dry.  And yes, it is. And it's often extremely windy.  But it is also beautiful!  If you like the American Southwest, you will love the magnificent expansive views and breathtaking colors of Death Valley.

2.  With my brother as guide since he has visited there numerous times, we drove to  Devil's Golf Course, Badwater Basin, and Artist's Palette.

282 feet below sea level.  Lowest point in North America.

Oh, the vivid colors at Artist's Palette!  The photo doesn't do it justice.

3.  Sitting around in the morning by the pool and jumping in to cool off--so refreshing!

My view from under the palo verde tree.

4.  Laughing and chatting with my brother and sister-in-law--the best part.

5.  This may seem a bit like not-a-fave, but really it is a fave.  The wind was SO STRONG that it blew over our tent.  Of the six stakes we had in the ground, only one was not dislodged.  Fortunately, that one stake held the entire tent.  We didn't have to go chasing after our tent and sleeping bags and duffel bags.  (We did lose our footprint cloth but found it later four campsites away.)

In the end, we decided to cut our trip short and drive home late at night.  Again, we are thankful for a safe drive home in gusting gales of wind along magnificent canyons and valleys.

From 105F to 55F, from 4956 feet above sea level at Towne Pass to 282 feet below sea level, it was a trip of extremes.


Faith said...

Wow!!!! I must say Death Valley is one national park that is NOt on my bucket list! But wow......great photos! So glad you had a good time and that is quite the jump in temps!!!

(Ps i saw the boots in the store first last month when on a lunch date with a friend but they only had 6 1/2 but i tried them anyways. Just a tad too tight so i knew if i ordered a half size up online I'd be ok!😀). But yeah...i don't typically order footwear online except hiking boots from LLBean as they have an awesome return policy and the store is right here in Albany so i can always return them there too.

Havea great weekend!

ellen b. said...

Well, that is an appropriate name. Glad your stuff didn't blow away and you could retrieve it. Sounds like a fun trip regardless.

Ingrid said...

It's a very special landscape ! We have been there long time ago, unfortunately I didn't take pictures but I have all on old videos !

Barbara H. said...

Wow! 50 degrees in a day is quite a shift! We've had some ups and downs, but I don't think anything quite that dramatic. Glad you had such a good visit and your tent held by that one stake!

Susanne said...

Wow, we've changed 20 some degrees C in a day but that's in winter when a chinook blows in and changes it from freezing cold to warm. What an amazing area.

Karen said...

I visited Death Valley years and years ago, when my family first came out west for a vacation. I don't remember much, but your descriptions make me want to go see it again. I'm glad the stake held your tent!