Saturday, November 16, 2019

Happy and Thankful

So here we are at the mid point of November and the month of Thanksgiving.  I try to focus every day and every week on being thankful.  Here are my Friday Fave Fives--those five things I have chosen from my week that have made me happy or have made me thankful.  Here is the link to join in:  FRIDAY FAVE FIVES.

1.  This week The Professor has been working daily on an outdoor project.  Actually he's been doing this for several weeks.  The project involves clearing paint off concrete blocks and it's A LOT of work.  One morning, two guy friends from church helped him and it speeded up the finish date from three weeks to one week.  Many hands make light work.  I am thankful for friends who help each other.

2.  We took a long walk one day this week.  I hesitate to call it a hike because it was mostly in a suburban area and partly on busy roads.  We walked along the bike paths on both sides of part of the Ventura River.  Of course, the river bed is bone dry.  And of course, I forgot my camera.  I'm am thankful that we have so many places to walk and be outside.

3.  On that walk, we passed many eucalyptus trees.  The leaves smell wonderful.  We found a few branches on the ground and brought them home.  I'm going to love having the aroma of eucalyptus for a while.

4.  The local university has occasional performances by professional artists in conjunction with classes.  We attended a performance by a trio--piano, cello and clarinet--showcasing compositions from Bach to Beethoven to some mid Romantic composers.  It was beautiful!

5.  These flowers from a friend's daughter who was selling her arrangements at a homeschool Christmas boutique.  She's five.  We bought them to cheer up our dining room table.  (and to encourage her)  What's not to love about fresh flowers?

What made you happy and thankful this week?


nikkipolani said...

#4 would have been my favorite as well— those are some of the music I love best!!

Anonymous said...

Such pretty fresh flowers. I’ll have to wait a long time to see them here again. I like the fresh evergreens this time of year, too, though. I’m glad the Prof had friends around to help him on his project. It sounds like it made a big difference. Mary

Susanne said...

Yes, fresh flowers! Carnations are a favorite! I haven't been to a music concert like that in a long time. I will have to remedy that.

ellen b. said...

I do love the smell of Eucalyptus trees. Many hands...we are looking for about 3 extra pair for the next truss lifting! Lovely flowers. Happy new week to you.

Gracie Saylor said...

Having just caught up on your posts, Willow, I am now cheering you on as you transition to a new location while enjoying where you are at the moment. So sorry for the wildfires around you. I have been at the condo for almost a year now and more settled than 11 months ago. However, I keep discovering treasures like my loaf pans. My sister bought me a loaf pan we thought I needed, but a few weeks later I opened a cupboard and found my stack of loaf pans...including one the size we bought :-)

Wendy said...

Good to hear the work got done quicker than you expected. Pretty flowers.

Faith said...

Being a former Music major (piano and voice for my undergrad degree) of course I'm all about your 4th fave!! :)

How wonderful that you bought that bouquet of fresh flowers and encouraged the little girl. That's wonderful.

Yeah for suburban walks. I did a suburban hike on Saturday with my oldest gal.....yes we have MANY nature preserves here in our large suburb. I'm loving it because it's too darn cold up in the Adirondacks currently so I'm not headed there any time soon. Plus they have real snow on the elevations higher than 3000 feet now.

Glad your hubby had some good help for his project!

have a great week!

Ingrid said...

I am not a great walker and when it's cold I prefer to stay inside a shopping mall or a museum ! I have a link here to show you how my city celebrated our Golden Wedding ! I was happy and surprised !

Elena Cole said...

Thanks for the postt