Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy (American) Thanksgiving to you all!  Here we are at the end of the month of giving thanks.  But if you ever read my blog, you know I make a point of posting my Friday Fave Fives every week.  I am thankful every day and we are supposed to 'give thanks for everything' and that's why I do this.

1. Tea with our new youth pastor's wife.  I already love her!  We were supposed to enjoy our tea time at home, but we had a house showing scheduled, so I took her to our nearest tea and coffee shop which is in a commercial and industrial area--I'm sure it's there to serve the workers, but it makes for a great little hidden spot.

2.  I've been in a bit of a knitting slump, but this week I decided to just finish one of the projects which only needed sewing up.  A new pillow cover for the living room sofa.  Details: Caron Pantone yarn.  #7 needles.  Mitered square pattern.

3.  We have been taking our walks before it becomes dark.  Lots of things to notice!

So many brilliant blossoms!

The deer graze everywhere in the neighborhood and aren't shy about it.

Autumn does happen in Southern California.  On one of our walks, I collected some fallen leaves and seed pods.  I love the colors!

4.  All. The. Rain.  There was another fire in the county north of us, so everyone was thankful and relieved to have the rain storm blow in.  Well, almost everyone.  The people who had to change Thanksgiving plans because of road closures due to snow may not have been as happy.  But we need the rain!

5.  Thanksgiving!  This year, our celebration was very low key.  Only The Professor's sister came to celebrate, so there were the three of us.  Other family was supposed to come for dessert but because of the rain storm, they decided to stay home.  So.  Three people and three pies.  Yeah, we have leftovers!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello and Happy Thanksgiving to you too! Sounds like you have had a good week. Our Thanksgiving was also low key - just Charly and I, our youngest son and a couple we have known for years. It was nice. So glad you are getting rain in California. I know you need it. We have had some snow here, but not as much as was predicted. You mentioned that you had a showing of your house. Are you moving? Staying in California? I hope you enjoy Black Friday weekend and all next week. See you again soon.

Barbara Harper said...

I'm glad you like your new youth pastor's wife so well! The pillow looks cute, and those leaves are gorgeous! Yay for rain! Sounds like you had a great Thanksgiving.

Meredith said...

So much to be thankful for. Glad you had a wonderful Thanksgiving even if it was with three people, that is special in itself.

Ingrid said...

Sad that the bad weather kept your friends away ! Your Thanksgiving celebration sounds very nice ! Of course here in Europe it doesn't exist, our ancestors didn't immigrate, lol !

Wendy said...

I'm glad you still had a good thanksgiving despite the storms and not having all your guests. The rain has definitely been needed though.

Faith said...

If I do a FFF it will be two days late! we just got home late this afternoon from Plymouth County (where Thanksgiving began!!) MA and we are exhausted from all the fun and family. Our youngest is back safely in her dorm at UNH and our oldest is still in the Boston area with friends but needs to try to drive home as early as possible tomorrow as this huge snow storm is coming from the west and supposed to hit us mid day. We are supposed to get about 12-18 inches of snow. Our first real snowfall this school year. I'm so not ready for this!!

Your week sounds wonderful. Love the nature pics!

Happy belated Thanaksgiving!

ellen b. said...

Thankful with you for that rain that you need! Love that pillow!!