Thursday, November 21, 2019

Be Thankful 4

November is steaming along.  It's hard to realize that next week is Thanksgiving in the US.  I really need these pauses in my week to stop and reflect on the many blessings in my life.  One way I do that is to join other people in FRIDAY FAVE FIVES.

1.  Women's Brunch at church.  Yummy food and encouragement from two women who spoke to us.  I love spending time with my friends laughing, eating, praising, and encouraging each other.

2.  All the murder mysteries.  My sister-in-law loaned me her Kindle with three THREE! mysteries by a new-to-me author.  I've been having a great time reading through them.

3.  Rain!  This week we had our first rain since May. Oh I love the sound and smell of the rain.  And maybe, just maybe, the rain will help end 'fire season' here in Southern California.

4.  A day in Los Angeles.  The Professor's oldest (as in longest--since he was one and his friend was three) friend and his wife met us at LA's Union Station and we visited The Last Book Store in Down Town Los Angeles (DTLA).  I have known them since I was eighteen and had his friend as an English prof in college.  Anyway, it was so much fun to spend the day with them!

5.  And of course there are other iconic DTLA places to visit like Grand Central Market for lunch Bradbury Building, Central Library and Angel's Flight (the funicular rail cars going up and down Bunker Hill).  The Professor and his friend remember these places from their childhood, growing up in Los Angeles and riding on Angel's Flight on their way to the central library or the market.  It was a day filled with memories for them.

Bonus:  Son #2 has been traveling the globe this past week.  Knowing his schedule, I checked his flights and destinations all the time often. This mama's prayers followed him every step of the way.   The best news was that he is home safely, doing well at recovering from all the jet lag.


Faith said...

Oh what a nice week you've had!

Praise God for the rain in your area!!! We've had a little snow this week which quickly turned to rain and the last two days have been so mild and sunny that I'm hiking in the mountains tomorrow!!!

How fun to get together with first friends and reminisce.

I've never been to LA and honestly it isn't on my bucket list. But i loved San Fran when we were there 22 years ago this week! And i do want to see the San Diego area sometime.

I love bookstores!! That one looks cute!
Enjoy the weekend and happy thanksgiving!

Barbara Harper said...

I love church brunches! How fun to get a loan of the kinds of books you love. Praise the Lord for rain!

Your LA trip sounds like so much fun: good friends, good memories. I LOVE the look of that bookstore!

Wendy said...

What a lovely week. Glad to hear your son made it home safely and you've had rain! That book shop looks amazing. Who was the author on your Kindle? Enjoy your weekend.

ellen b. said...

So fun to see the photos from your LA meetup with friends. I hope with you that fire season is done with. Always good to hear of safe arrivals home again...

Deb J. in Utah said...

I would love to go to that bookstore. Looks so fun! Sounds like a great day in L.A. Good to be back in blog land to stop by and say hello! Have a great week!

Susan @ FruitfulWords said...

Technology sure is great when we can use it to relieve anxiety and increase our knowledge. So glad your son is home safe and sound.
That LA bookstore sure looks like a treat. How fun to be able to have quality time with longtime friends.
Hooray for rain. I hope you have more soon. We still haven’t had any yet. I love the sound and the smell of rain as well. I’m praying this rain does end your fire season.
I’ve been doing a lot of reading this past week as well. What is the name of this new to you author? That was sweet of your sister-in-law to loan you her Kindle.
Have a happy Thanksgiving.

Susanne said...

Praise God for the rain! What a cool bookstore that looks like! I love locally owned bookshops. What a blessing it is to have such a long time friendship. That is rare, indeed.

Ingrid said...

You are happy about rain, I would be about sunshine ! I also love to watch crime mysteries not the bloody once but more psychological, for the moment I watch "Vera" it's an English movie I also loved Barnaby !! Mr. G. doesn't notice any difference yet, with his eye surgery, but on Friday he has the other eye done and then we will see !

Zoogs Burner said...

God blless