Friday, December 13, 2019

December Means Parties

It's Friday!  I almost missed that it's FRIDAY!
Brain clicks in.
Time for FRIDAY FAVE FIVES. (follow link to join in)
What happened this week?

Parties. Lots of parties.  No photos. (Only a little bit of knitting.)

1.  Monday night.  Our church small group of 16 people met for our last get together and dinner for the year.  We had so much fun.  Everyone said as we were leaving that we LOVE our group.  I'm so thankful for these close friends who rejoice and mourn together as we do life together.

2.  Wednesday evening we enjoyed a dinner and long chat with new friends.  Oh, it was good to get to know them!

3.  Thursday was a crazy busy day.  Morning started with our Mom to Mom monthly meeting.  Lots of young moms and a few of us older mentor moms.  This month two young moms spoke about what they have learned and how they've grown in the past few years.  Then I talked about Lessons I've Learned in Life and From Whom.  I'm so thankful for the opportunity to share with all the moms.

4.  I ducked out a little early and headed to lunch with a group of friends from my Friday morning Bible study group.  There are just seven of us, but we love each other like sisters!

5.  One more dinner.  This time it was the Vegan Gourmet Club.  We love this group of people who share a meal once a month which focuses on a whole food, planted based diet to encourage health.  We've been going for three years and have made good friends there.

Food, Friends, Fellowship!


Deb J. in Utah said...

It's so great that you have so many friends - old and new to celebrate Christmas with. Friends make life fun! Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Yes, it is a busy but lovely time of year. Lots of fellowship and feasting going on. Love you and praying for you! Mary

Wendy said...

I'm sure you are tired but hopefully boosted by all the good friendships you shared this week. (And all the food!)

Barbara Harper said...

Wow, such a busy week! Glad you had a fun time.

ellen b. said...

Three great things to be thankful for, food, friends and fellowship. You guys are party animals!! :)

Meredith said...

I love how you are celebrating the season and friendship.

Faith said...

What a wonderful and festive list of FFFs!!

Food! fun! Fellowship! There's nothing like a good group of sisters and brothersmin Christ to do life with.

I love that you got to mentor young moms.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Susanne said...

It sounds like there were many moments of great friendship and fellowship for you this week. And so glad you made it home safe and sound.

Cheryl said...

It was so wonderful to meet you, Willow! May the Lord richly bless you this Christmas season!