Saturday, January 25, 2020

Always Thankful, No Matter When

I've been sick with a cold this week, and I thought I'd just skip posting.  Then I realized, NO. No matter how I am feeling right now, I still have so many things to be thankful for and it is important for me to focus on those.  So here are my Friday Fave Fives, a day late.

1.  I am so thankful for all the ways I can help my body heal from this cold.  Herbal teas.  Elderberry syrup.  Zicam.  Airborne.  Decongestants.   Ibuprofen.  Rest.  Naps.

2.  I am thankful I am not working now so I have the luxury of just resting and letting my body heal.

3.  Time to snuggle under my afghan while I finish knitting the last few blocks.  Yes, it's DONE! (off my knitting project list) Hopefully, there will be photos soon.

4.  I also finished one pair of socks. (knock that one off my knitting to do list, too)

5.  Books to read.  I can curl up with that afghan and my books and read all day.

I am thankful that I should be back and fully functioning tomorrow.  And here are some bonus photos of Southern England in early spring because few pictures make me happier than ones of rural England!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Yes, there is always something to be grateful for - no matter what! Glad you are feeling better. That is so great that you have time to rest, relax and recuperate. I love the pictures of English. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. See you again soon!

Ingrid said...

Beautiiful pictures ! Hope your cold disappears quickly !

Wendy said...

I hope you feel better soon and good to see you are taking care of yourself and resting.

Faith said...

Glad you are taking care of your self!! My sore throat ended up just staying 2 days and then it turned into a dry cough. I only cough at night though so I haven't needed to take any sick time. In fact....even if you WERE still working, the best thing is to TAKE SICK TIME because then the spread of the virus stops!!! We just had this conversation in the classroom with parents and our team. When ill, STAY HOME!!

I love curling up under a quilt and reading....that's how i spent much of my weekend and almost every evening this week so far.

Beautiful photos of the English countryside!

Take care!!

nikkipolani said...

And it sounds like your cold wasn’t too long lasting! It does feel like a luxury to rest as much as you want.

ellen b. said...

Sorry you've been under the weather but how nice that you can curl up and recuperate. Photos of England always cheer me up. WE are starting the talk of going to England again. September Lord willing and staying an extended time in Oxford with possible day trips out. No rental car just using buses and the rail system. Once we bite the bullet and purchase air tickets we'll know it's a reality but always ...Lord willing.

Bryant Lisa said...

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