Friday, January 10, 2020

January's Fave Fives, Week Two

I totally forgot it was Friday!  This week has been so busy that we have lost track of what day it is.   Willow's Week just kept coming!  But I'm happy to be able to pause, take a breath, and focus on what I'm thankful for this week.  Here are my Friday Fave Fives.

1.  Our Mom to Mom group met this week.  It's a ministry in our church for young moms.  Each month we have a speaker and this month my college friend Sue Moore Donaldson from Welcome Heart spoke on hospitality.  Geared for young moms, it still inspired me to be more hospitable.  And it was fun to catch up with an old college friend.

2.  Then I received two encouraging texts from a couple of moms about the presentation. Yay!

3.  Tangerines!  My tree is bursting with them.  Yum!

4.  I am happy to be staying mostly on point with my 2020 goals and specifically my January goals.  I've started a fun pair of socks, and I am forging ahead with the leftover sock yarn afghan. The afghan is growing--right now there are more than 100 squares.

5.  An extra long walk.  A friend and I walked the creek that flows through our town (usually it's a dry arroyo).  We forgot that the gate near where we parked our cars was locked, and so we "had" to walk part way back up the path to the place where we could get off the path and walk back to the car.  We didn't mind the extra mile--it just gave us more time to talk!

This is what the creek looks like after a rain storm.

What made you slow down this week to say "Thanks"?


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi - I love your fun knitting creations. Mom to mom ministry. That is a wonderful idea. I think hospitality is a great topic. So many of our young adults don't know some of the very basic things that were taken for granted when we were young adults. That walk looks nice. It has been too cold to walk outside here much, so we have been walking at the mall. I hope you have a nice weekend!

Faith said...

OH we also have a moms to moms group where the older moms sign up to host a group of younger moms and some of the older moms babysit the babies in the nurseries while they meet every Thursday a.m. Of course with me being a full time teacher I can't volunteer in this ministry but maybe someday once I finally decide to retire!

LOVE that you had encouraging notes and also a nice long walk with a friend.

Cute knitting project.

Happy weekend!!

a spirit of simplicity said...

I would love to have tangerines growing from a tree in my yard! They must taste heavenly and smell divine!

Wendy said...

Those tangerines look good and glad to hear you were locked out from your car and not the car was locked in! I'm always impressed by anyone who can knit socks. Not something I've tried. Enjoy your weekend.

ellen b. said...

To answer your question first...snow. Snow has a way of slowing me down. What a treat to have a fresh picked tangerine! Yum. I also started BSF this week with a study in Hebrews. So much good stuff that makes me stop and think. Happy weekend to you.

Gracie Saylor said...

You can count on me to cheer you on as you prepare to move! After about 15 moves in my 68 years, I appreciate the challenges of the process. I'm so glad you have supportive family and friends coming alongside you and pitching in to practically help you from time to time as well. Yay for the pretty cushion cover finish and your continued work on stitching and sketching projects. Your tangerines look a treat! I enjoyed your travel reports of your days in England and your regular hikes wherever you go. Blessings on your 2020 vision, Willow!

Susanne said...

That ministry sounds amazing. And nice that you were able to see your friend when she spoke at it. Those tangerines look so good. How nice that you are able to go in your yard and pick them rather than getting unripe ones from a grocer!

R's Rue said...

I want some tangerines now.

Ingrid said...

I once learned knitting but not with much success ! And then I wasn't very motivated neither That sounds nice a mom to mom group ! It's always interesting to listen to other people's worries !

Ilene (Kat) Snyder said...

That afghan is going to be beautiful with all the colors. Are the squares done individually and then sewn together?

Willow said...

Ilene, The afghan is knitted all in one piece by picking up along edges. I am using the mitered blanket pattern.

handmade by amalia said...

This is my first visit to your lovely blog and I adore the afghan, what a labor of love.

Barbara Harper said...

I didn't know you were in college with Sue! She's fun to read, I'm sure even more fun in person. How nice to have fresh tangerines. Yay for keeping up with your knitting goals.