Friday, January 17, 2020


One new week!  Can it be possible that we are halfway through the month of January 2020??  I purposely carved a couple of days at the beginning of the week to relax.  But then the end of this week just got busy and busier.  Truly, I'm thankful for both the rest and the activities.  I just need to learn how to balance it.  So here is Willow's Week in Friday Fave Fives.  The link is to Susanne's blog Living To Tell the Story  where you can find other people's Fave Fives and join in, too, if you want.

1.  While I haven't been as consistent with my sketching as I would like to be, I have been doing well with my goal of exercising more.  In fact, I have walked, hiked, or worked out at the gym EVERY DAY this week.  I feel great.  Except of course for some sore muscles.

2.  One morning, a few of the moms from my Mom to Mom group met to walk part of the same trail I walked last week.  Walking with two and three year olds and stroller is a much slower gait than my usual pace.  But that's ok.  I had a chance to chat with a mom I hadn't really met before.

3.  Normally, I wouldn't add a memorial service to a favorite part of my week, but the service I attended for a Bible study friend was a wonderful celebration of her life.  And the words from the pastor were encouraging and comforting.

4.  As I am writing this, I am listening to 'the falling rain'.  It's one of my favorite sounds.  As a child, it was a most familiar one as I grew up in the Pacific Northwest, ie. the Rain Capital.  And we had A LOT of rain where we lived in the tropical jungles of New Guinea.  Where I live now, rain is always welcome!

5.  I am making progress on my afghan.  The blocks are now 10 x 12!  Photos soon because maybe by next week I'll be finished.  I've also finished one of the socks and have started on the second one.

Here's hoping I can balance the weekend's busyness with some 'down time', too!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Sounds like a good week. I love listening to rain too. I love that mom-to-mom ministry. I hope your move is taking shape. It can be such a big job. Hope it goes well. Been a super busy week here too. Hope you find some time to relax this weekend. See you again soon.

Gracie Saylor said...

Last Saturday I attended a celebration of life service for a friend. It was a precious way of coming to know her more fully through the sharing of her family members and friends as we mourned our loss of her on earth while celebrating her life and her dear relationship with the Lord. I can appreciate how a memorial could be listed as one of your favorite parts of your week. I have enjoyed listening to the rain this week, too, and I have enjoyed some walks around our condo loop. Your industry encourages me, Willow. Thanks! xx

Barbara Harper said...

Good work on exercising so regularly! I know what you mean about memorial services. It's sad to have them, yet they can be such a blessing. I like that balance, too--getting things accomplished but with some rest time in some part of the day.

ellen b. said...

Sounds like a good week exercising muscles and your mind. Hope you have a good weekend. Do you still go to the Saturday Farmer's market?

Faith said...

yay for 5 days of working out!! I only did two this past week due to a horrible sore throat which thankfully went away after 48 hours but it left me feeling very tired. No other symptoms. My husband says I need to just SLOW DOWN and learn to JUST SIT AND REST. hahah...hard for this high achiever. But this weekend, I'm only doing minimal housework and then READING and resting all weekend.

Yay for rain!

I love that you walked with the younger moms and their little ones. I think it's important for those of us who have older children or young adult children to mentor the younger ones and the BIble does command us to do so!

Although the death of a loved one is usually difficult, how comforting the words of a Believing pastor usually are. Glad you got to experience her celebration of life.

Have a blessed restful weekend!

Wendy said...

Well done on the exercising and yes walking with toddlers is definitely a challenge! Glad you got rain and were able to rest up before things got hectic. Getting a balance can be a challenge sometimes.

Jerralea said...

Balancing the busy is my #1 thing I work on. Maybe someday we'll get it!

Good for you on exercising each day!

Karen said...

I love the sound of rain. We don't get a lot, so it's always a treat. It reminds me of when we did a lot of camping and on rainy days would lie in the camper, listening to the rain. So cozy.

Good for you on the a straight record of exercising!

Ingrid said...

Seems you had a nice week ! We have so many rain here that I fear to get flippers instead of my feet ! For the moment it is terrible ! Every single day !

Susanne said...

Well good job on the consistent workouts! I'm sorry your friend passed away. I'm glad she was celebrated well in her memorial service. Love the sound...and the smell of rain!

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