Friday, March 13, 2020

Lent, Week Three

Happy Friday Fave Fives!  I hope you are staying well and being careful to avoid getting sick.  It is so important to find the blessings and sunshine in the midst of this storm.  Here is a link to where you can find others who are sharing their Fave Fives.

1.  My older son, Chaplain Dan, received notification this week that his name has been posted to the promotion board and he is in line to be promoted to Lieutenant Colonel!  We don't know when the ceremony and promotion will take place, but we will do everything we can to be with him and attend the ceremony!  I'm so thankful for this confirmation of his hard work, scholarship and dedication.

2.  World's Best Neighbor has a little patch of rhubarb in her garden.  Whenever she has some freshly picked, she shares it with me because she know I love it.  This week, I made a small rhubarb strawberry crisp.  YUM!

3.  March is my birthday month.  In fact, I share my birthday with a very special person--St. Patrick.  So this week at our monthly Mom to Mom group meeting at our church, the other leaders surprised me with a bouquet of roses, a tiara, and a Hobby Lobby gift card!  Surprised is the exactly correct word.  I had NO IDEA even as our co-leader called me up to the front.  I thought she was going to have me make an impromptu announcement or something.  And all the young women wrote notes on a card.  I feel SO LOVED!

4.   I am really thankful that we were able to meet with all the younger moms because it may be the last time for awhile, considering all the closures that are happening all over our county because of the corona virus.

5.  RAIN!  We have been getting rain this week.  I am convinced that we were responsible for the first day of rain.  Why?  We took a nice long walk, and when we were at the farthest spot away from the house, of course, the rain started.  By the time we made it home, we were truly 'soaked to the skin'.  You're welcome, Southern California!

I think it's important to find the sunshine even in the rain.  Let's find the sunshine, the blessings, in the rainstorms of every week.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello and Happy Birthday to you! What a wonderfully, positive week. Congrats to your son on the promotion! I love that California is getting much needed rain. Have a wonderful weekend.

Faith said...

Congrats to your boy and a very Happy Birthday to you!!!!! How wonderful the mom group surprised you!

Yes....sunshine during the dark times. Spot on!!

Wendy said...

Happy Birthday to you. Hope you have a great day. And of course congratulations on your son's achievement. I'm sure you are feeling proud. I'm glad you're getting some rain. Would you like some of ours too? Some of the UK is really suffering from too much rain although it's not been a problem for us personally.

Meredith said...

Happy Birthday this week my friend!

Barbara Harper said...

Congratulations to your son! Yay for rhubarb strawberry crisp. What a fun surprise birthday treat! We have had SO much rain, I wish we could send you some. Hoping to see at least patches of sunshine this week.

Ingrid said...

We have rain since November ! You can count the days without rain and seldom some sunshine. It's a strange feeling to live in a nearly empty town, due to the Corona Virus.

ellen b. said...

Just under 4 hours till your birthday. Hope it's filled with good things! Thank you for the greetings you sent my way. Most appreciated. Yippee for rain in Southern California. Congratulations to Chaplain Dan. What a great accomplishment. We are watchful each day to see what the new restrictions will be while we wait out this pandemic. So glad we have a God we can trust who loves us...

Susanne said...

Yay, for rain! Happy belated birthday to you. The roses are gorgeous! And a big congratulations to Chaplain Dan! Alberta and all the major cities here in Alberta have declared states of emergency and the restrictions are getting major. The salon where my daughter works just closed until April 1 and I have had to ask a family not to attend dayhome for 14 days because the mom traveled and only came back 2 days before they made the mandatory self isolation for travelers. The schools and daycares were shut down indefinitely on Sunday. I am so thankful for the Word of God to ground us in these times.

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