Friday, April 24, 2020

Bye, April

Last week of April.  The end of self isolation is Not in sight yet.  How have you spent your week?  I have been focusing on the beauty around me, on blessing others and appreciating how they are blessing me.  That's a whole lot better than grumping about not being able to get out or not having what I want at the store.  Right now we must all focus on what we are thankful for--I'm thankful for FRIDAY FAVE FIVES!

1.  SPRING FLOWERS.  Super bloom is happening!  The poppies are growing wild!  How I love California's state flower.  We walk around the neighborhood, peek out our back window, gaze at the mountainsides.  Poppies everywhere!!  (warning:  poppy picture overload below)

poppies all over my garden

even 'popping' up in my lavender

cream colored poppy

two toned poppy

ruffled poppy 

2.  SKILLS.  More masks made.  Oops. I didn't take  a photo of the five masks I dropped off at the gathering point on my friend's porch this morning.  The call for masks hasn't slowed down.  I've lost count of the number of masks I've made.  It doesn't matter.

3.  KINDNESS.   I made masks for several couples/families in our small group at church.  Some sent me notes to thank me, one gave me flowers and oranges, another shared some homemade carrot cake.  One of the things I am loving about all this crisis time is that I am seeing the KINDNESS of people.

4.  HUMOR.  This made me laugh.  Even the topiary bunny in our neighborhood is maintaining self isolation and social distancing.

5.  LIFE!  The baby I made this kimono for was born this week.  She is a preemie, in NICU, but thriving.  We've prayed her and her mama through all these months of stress and uncertainty.  Soon she'll be home and wearing this little sweater.

What KINDNESS, BEAUTY, or HUMOR have you experienced this week?  And here's hoping that May will be filled with more positive changes.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Yes, I am still making masks too. Feels good to help out. I also love California poppies and see them all out in bloom. Wow, we are almost at the end of another months. Have a good weekend. See you again soon.

ellen b. said...

Glad your skills are being appreciated with many. Love that little sweater you made. So sweet.
Hang in there and I'll hand in here!

Wendy said...

Aww that sweater is gorgeous. I hope the baby is soon home and able to wear it. The poppies are lovely too. Yes finding the positives is important during these difficult times. Stay well.

Elizabethd said...

Masks being made here also, my husband's carers take them regularly as their agency doesnt seem to have enough.
What a sweeet baby garment.

Meredith said...

You are just so lovely to make those masks. I ran out of fabric or I would make more. Topiary bunny is the laugh we all need right now. Stay safe.

nikkipolani said...

Yes, you are so right about one joy in these times. From the “community chests” set up with necessities on sidewalks to many posts on various local sites offering help and/or supplies. It’s good to see people helping people.

Anonymous said...

The poppies are such cheerful colors. It’s wonderful that you are pretty much surrounded by them.

The little kimono looks so pretty and practical. Now back to those socks? Mary

Susanne said...

I absolutely love those poppies! I'll have to look for some seeds when I can get to the garden store. What a blessing you and Deb are making all these masks for people. Masks are not yet mandatory here in our province and our city is doing pretty well, though people are starting to wear masks at the stores. Topiary bunny is funny. We've seen a few things like that around here too.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Here in MA our schools are closed through the rest of the year and day-cares (except those for essential workers children) are closed through the end of June . I love all the poppies. We are nowhere near that warm here...i can’t wait for it to warm up. Then at least, we’ll be able to sit in the back yard.

Ingrid said...

That's the same here not enough masks and a lot of women do it for the others. Yes it's true there is a lot of kindness around in these difficult times. Not so difficult for us because we are not living in a big dirty city but can enjoy nature. I call it my golden cage. It's sad that your house is still on sale, we were lucky we just concluded 3 days before the lockdown ! And the apartment I found during the lockdown, via telephone and video ! First time in my life that I saw the apartment on video and then decided to buy it, lol !

Barbara Harper said...

The poppies are so pretty. I'm glad you're able to make so many masks. I only made them for family and found them stressful (especially the pleats). I'm not the best seamstress. But a lot of local women are mass producing them for others. I love seeing the kindness of others coming out. Funny about the topiary! Glad to hear the new baby is thriving, and I hope she'll be out of the NICU soon. We just celebrated our grandson's birthday recently, and Facebook memories keeps popping up posts from his time there six years ago. Such a long, stressful haul, but I am glad it's behind us.

Faith said...

Love the poppies! And praise GOd that something good is coming out of this quarantine/pandemic. We're seeing much kindness all around us...and that's often unusual here in NYS. trust me.

that topiary is hilarious!

how precious that little baby sweater is! I'll pray that she can be brought home soon.

have a good week!

Job Pedro said...

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