Friday, May 01, 2020

May Day!

May First!  May Day!  Wow, 2020 is moving along. Some days it seems like it is creeping slowly and other days just zip by.  But here we are in the merry month of May (although it doesn't seem so merry right now).   And it's Friday and time for FRIDAY FAVE FIVES here at Willow's Cottage.

1.  I know that it seems like every week when we are focusing on our blessings that someone mentions acts of kindness that people either give or receive.  This week as I was talking with someone, she mentioned how her mom (for whom she is a caregiver) insisted on knocking on a neighbor's door to say hello when they were on a short walk.  It turns out that the neighbor needed help with some things, and so our church care group was able to step up and help.  A knock on a door resulted in an older man being able to get the help that he needed.  I love hearing that story of kindness multiplied.

2.  My friend is decluttering her yarn stash.  I cluttered up my stash with three bunches of beautiful yarn, one white wool yarn, one deep ruby red alpaca yarn, and one hand dyed variegated blue and green merino wool yarn.  I've been scouring various sources searching for just the right pattern for each yarn.  I see lots of blissful shawl and sweater knitting in my future because of my friend's generosity.

3.  I'm thankful for lots and lots of books to read.

4.  I love those phone calls that begin with, "Hi, Mom!"  Those may be my most favorite words ever.

5.  Do you love cloudy days?  I realize that where I live (right now) that most days are sunny.  That's what a mediterranean climate is.  So when we get those "May Gray" and "June Gloom" days, we are enjoy them to the fullest.  We even had some May Gray days at the end of April.  The fog and low clouds hang on the mountains and hover over the coastal plain.  I think it is beautiful, and I'm thankful for cooler days.


Faith said...

I'm loving all the acts of kindness we are hearing more about in our world. I'm praying it continues post pandemic!!

How nice to be able to knit!! Our oldest daughter takes after both grandmas but i have no patience for it!! Nor time really.....

Here in eastern NY we've had our share of gloomy grey days but today is absolutely perfect!! Temps at 66 and full sun and tomorrow is supposed to be in the 70s which is ideal for outdoor sports!! I see two hikes in my near future.

I love me my books too!! I have five waiting for me and one I'm in the middle of besides my bible study book and a meditation book.

Happy weekend!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Happy May to you! I love acts of kindness as well. It is great that people are reaching out even when we have to stay our distance. I'm with you - "Hi Mom" are about my favorite words in the world. It is always so great to hear from our kids. We have also had some gray and rainy days which is always nice because we need spring rain. I also love have lots of books on my 'to read" stack. It is especially good right now when the libraries are closed. Have a great weekend!

Wendy said...

That's a nice list. Yes one good outcome of this is how communities are pulling together. I hope it continues. Yes books and knitting help the time pass. We've had lots of rain this week but the gardens needed it.

Susanne said...

I do love all the stories of kindness and grace that are coming out of this pandemic. I hope we never lose that once things settle back to normal. I love when I hear "Hi Mom" on the phone too. What a blessing that yarn is for you. Just your description of it shows your passion. We've had some pretty nice days here last week. Some cloudiness and some wind but for the most part it's been lovely. Nice to get outside.

Meredith said...

I love grey, cloudy and rainy days. Living in Florida there is way, way too much sun! Stay safe and well my friend.

Barbara Harper said...

I love hearing those stories of kindness. I'm thankful the man got the help he needed and people acted on that need. How nice to get the yarn someone else didn't want! I need to do that with my fabric. I love having so many books to read, too, and I love phone calls from our kids. I like cloudy days in moderation. :-) In one book I read by or about Amy Carmichael in India, she mentioned the intense heat and the relief of shade. She wrote a poem about the blessing of a shadow from the heat, likening it to God's shelter. So I can see in that atmosphere and yours, a cloudy day would be such a blessing.

Since that poem was on my mind now, I decided to look it up:

I Follow Thee

Shadow and coolness, Lord,
Art Thou to me;
Cloud of my soul, lead on,
I follow Thee.
What though the hot winds blow,
Fierce heat beats up below?
Fountains of water flow –
Praise, praise to Thee.

Clearness and glory, Lord,
Art Thou to me;
Light of my soul, lead on,
I follow Thee.
All through the moonless night,
Making its darkness bright,
Thou art my heavenly Light –
Praise, praise to Thee.

Shadow and shine art Thou,
Dear Lord, to me;
Pillar of cloud and fire,
I follow Thee.
What though the way be long,
In Thee my heart is strong,
Thou art my joy, my song –
Praise, praise to Thee.

Amy Carmichael

ellen b. said...

A great May day list of thankfuls. I love hearing Hi Mom, too. That's nice that your group could help out that elderly guy. Maybe by the end of May things will be merrier and more businesses can start to rebuild. Hope your Monday is going well.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Here in Massachusetts we’ve had almost nothing but grey, cold and rainy days. I’m glad you like them but I am enjoying the warm sunshine we are finally getting these past three days.

Ingrid said...

Ever since it is the lockdown, in Belgium where normally it always rains there is the most beautiful sunshine ! For us who have a yard it's a golden cage but for the poor people in the city it is probably a nightmare ! Here too people help each other that's real nice. Our neighbours a Libanese family prepared a wonderful Libanese meal for us and gave it to my husband over the hedge !! It was really touching !

Oleg said...
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Job Pedro said...

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Bryant Lisa said...

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