Friday, May 29, 2020

End of May Faves

Some weeks are just harder than others.  This has been a tough week and too much overload. I have just had to cut out news and much of social media.  A friend shared this liturgy from EVERY MOMENT HOLY this morning.  I love how these words calm me and help me focus on the right things.
Give us discernment
in the face of troubling news reports.
Give us discernment
to know when to pray,
when to speak out,
when to act,
and when to simply
shut off our screens
and our devices,
and to sit quietly
in your presence,

casting the burdens of this world
upon the strong shoulders
of the one who
is able to bear them up.

And I love to focus on things that bring me joy and gratitude.  FRIDAY FAVE FIVES does that for me.  Every day, I think, "Oh!  This should be in my Fave Fives this week!"  And then on Friday, I have the opportunity to review my week and be thankful again.  (Follow the link and join in!)

1.  Even though we are planning to move, we still want our home to look its best.  So we have been working on the border of our property to add edgers along the property line.  That way people can see exactly what is the property they would own.  It's a lot of heavy work, but it is going to look great.

2.  I have spent hours and hours this week in the garden.  It's small, but I love it.  I pulled the weeds and added some plants.
I had just read an article about Spilanthes, and lo and behold, there it was in the garden center!  I just had to have it.  I would be likely to call it the eyeball plant because I think that's what the flowers look like.

Marigolds pair nicely with Spilanthes.

Another new to me plant.

Doesn't it look nice with the Angelonia?

3.  Also, I worked at cleaning up my potting area.  I have numerous terracotta pots which I am not using and don't plan to move with me.  So I gifted them to a friend.  And we spent a lovely hour social distance chatting on her patio.  And my potting area is tidy.

4.  AND, I had a great park date with a friend.  We brought our lawn chairs and sat six feet apart and talked for a couple of hours.  I am so thankful to be able to see friends face to face.

5.  I love my Kindle.  While I do prefer a paper book, I am thankful that I can utilize the ebook option at the library and read more books.

Bonus:  Last week for FFF, I neglected to add the photos of the monarch caterpillars and raindrops on the flowers.  Here they are.  Enjoy!  Because you can't get enough garden!


ellen b. said...

A timely prayer for these times. Love the new to you plants you've incorporated into your garden. It's nice to give away things that will benefit others and not weigh down on you. How nice to have a face to face time during these COVID times!

Gracie Saylor said...

I just enjoyed a catch up on your lovely May posts Willow, and so appreciated your masked bunny, and the photos of your dear PAL:) Thanks for sharing your beautiful bouquet of flower photos, and your delight in Zoom meetings or safe distancing encounters with friends. I have enjoyed such times here, too. Bravo as you work to prepare to move! Our challenging time reminds me of my need to "pray without ceasing", but like you, I find the task daunting...I need the Lord's Grace...

eileeninmd said...


I am praying, these times are stressful. I am glad you were able to meet your friend in the park. Your flowers are just lovely. You are keeping busy taking care of your gardens. Take care! Have a happy weekend!

Anonymous said...

I agree. You can’t get enough garden! There is something very satisfying about having one’s hands in the dirt (soil) and digging and planting. Your flower “portraits “ are lovely. Mary

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello - I love this post. I love your garden plants. So lovely. Spending time working with plants also helps me lower stress levels. I also love that prayer at the beginning of this post. That is one we all need during these crazy and turbulent times. Hope all goes well with getting your house and yard ready for the move and I hope you like your new location.

Barbara Harper said...

I can sure identify with that prayer. The plants are so pretty! Glad you had some good visits this week and found someone to give the pots to. I enjoy my Kindle, too.

Elizabethd said...

You have some very pretty, and unusual plants in your garden. I have never come across Spilanthes.

Wendy said...

A very appropriate prayer. Lovely pictures of your plants and sounds like you have been keeping yourself very busy. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Susanne said...

Most certainly a prayer for these times. I too have had to shut off news and social media periodically. It is just too overwhelming. I love that eyeball plant, I've never seen or heard of it. So many interesting plants. Loved all your pictures.

Meredith said...

Flowers are such a beautiful thing to see after this rough week. Stay safe.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my look at those beautiful Monarch caterpillars! This week has been very rough. My prayer is that we will one day be able to treat everyone we were all created.

Karen said...

The garden has been a haven these past weeks, especially these days. I enjoy seeing the flowers you have, so different than what grows here on the prairie! It's sooo nice to be able to social distance with friends these days. Another solace in a turbulent week.

Faith said...

I too find my self not watching news or going on social media. In fact, for the entire month of June I am only posting marriage/friendship quotes or thoughts because on June 30th Dave and I will celebrate 30 years of marriage!! I am SO OOOOOOOOOOOOO tired of the political crap, divisiveness i see on FB, the insults about race, the pros and cons of protesting, etc etc. It's refreshing to take a break from all of that!

LOVE your flowers. I too have a small flower bed...mostly perennials and they're blooming so well this spring! My roses just opened up over the them.

Love the caterpillar pic! Goes with my latest google classroom video i made for my students :)
happy week!!

Ingrid said...

We are busy to organize our move ! So I just mow the lawn (the robot does) but I didn't plant any flowers. Fortunately we keep the house until all papers are signed with the notary so we can keep all stuff to be given or thrown away in the house at least for 4 months. By then I think I am rid of all stuff ! 45 years in a house you can imagine what you have to throw away ! A nightmare !

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