Friday, December 04, 2020

December Thankfulness #1

 It's Friday and time for Friday Fave Fives.  Susanne at Living to Tell the Story hosts this every week.  HERE is the link.

1.  Not one but TWO fires in the fire pits.  One on Friday at our older daughter's home as a final fire before she handed the keys to the new owner.  And then our first fire at our house (burning the rest of the wood that remained from her (now sold) place.  Since it snowed the next day, we loved having had the opportunity to use the fire pit.  An added bonus was that two of the neighbors walked over to say hello and introduce themselves.

2.  Walks and hikes are always on my fave list.  On Saturday afternoon we walked about two miles on the local bike path with all three grandchildren.  The weather was fine and it was a part of the trail they had not walked on before.

3.  Even in the snow, we have walked.  One late afternoon/early evening, we decided to get our walk in by walking to the big HD outdoor store as The Professor needed to purchase a tool for a small project.  So we walked instead of driving the one plus miles each way.  It was through the neighborhoods and it was good to know we can easily get to the grocery store and other places by walking.

4.  Our Older Daughter's rental home has sold! (see #1).  That's a huge burden off her busy schedule.

5.  Several months have passed since her home and neighborhood flooded last March.  Today the flooring in the two bedrooms on the main floor is being installed!  We are so thankful that this part of the renovation project is DONE!

Bonus:  Some adult MKs (missionary kids) from Papua, Indonesia have created a Daily Advent Devotional to share with all of us who have lived and served in Papua through the years.  I am loving reading and meditating on their encouraging and thoughtful devotionals.   Happy First Week of Advent!


Ingrid said...

These fires look impressive ! I see you are discovering your new area ! It's true when you walk you see much more ! I like walking with my camera and stop when I see something interesting, I don't like just walking or hiking and looking to the ground as some people do with computer watches on to measure everything !! We have cool weather and certainly no snow in view ! This will be a lonely Christmas or a special one because we have to celebrate Christmas eve with video conference with our son and family in Holland ! Will be the first time since he is born that we are not together on Christmas Eve, except once when he was in Australia !

Karen said...

Campfires are a great way to gather people together. It's nice to hear you are settling in and getting to know your neighbors and neighborhood.

Wendy said...

How lovely to have the firepit and good that your getting used to your new neighbourhood. I'm glad your daughter's house is sold and that the renovations are going ahead. Lovely to get out walking with the grandkids too. Enjoy your weekend.

ellen b. said...

Very nice that you drew in some neighbors with your fire! That trail looks very similar to our Burke Gilman trail in Bothell. Happy trails to you... :)

Faith said...

I love that your neighbors came over during your fire....we do that around here too! although I think our firepit evenings are done now that it's December. We still have NO SNOW here in Eastern New York. Today is a dreary rainy chilly day and the mountains might get somoe snow this weekend (tomorrow) although the news says it will mostly be snowy in upper New England which is why Claire came home from UNH 3 days early :)

Your trail looks so much like our town The Crossings trail (The Crossings is a HUGE park between my town of North Colonie and the South Colonie town). We have 6 different sections to hike in. I usually hike in the far woods one or The Ramble (a mix of woods and open space). Isn't walking in nature just the very best? i feel so close to God when out in His creation!

YAY for your daughter's home selling! That must be a good feeling.

have a cozy weekend

nikkipolani said...

Gattina is so right about how much more you see when walking. Glad you are getting acclimated to your new neighborhood and opportunities and weather. Snow! Amazing.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Wonderful to be able to hike with your family. It must mean even more to you since you have so recently moved closer to them. My daughter and son-in-law have a fire pit in their yard and use it all the time.

Meredith said...

So many wonderful things to be thankful for. Stay safe and warm!

Barbara Harper said...

Yay for your daughter's home selling and the floor renovations getting done! How fun to light the fire pit one last time before moving. It's nice you have shops close enough to walk to. The devotional sounds really special.