Friday, February 12, 2021

More Winter Faves

Happy New Year (if you are in China)!  Happy Friday!  Here is a list of my Five Fave things for which I am thankful this week.  It doesn't include the obvious things like a warm house, hot coffee, cozy jackets, boots and gloves.  I am thankful for those things, too.  Always.  Here is a link to Friday Fave Fives if you want to join us.

1.  Well, there is still a pile of snow on the ground and more expected.  This is winter.  Did you know that there are only thirty-six days until spring?  And today is Chinese New Year.  It's the year of the OX.  What part of this is a fave?  The thirty-six days until spring.  But who's counting?

2.  But since it is still winter, what can I appreciate about it?  Icicles are pretty.  When they're finished with being an outdoor decoration, they just melt away.

3.  We were able to order some window coverings for our house this week.  It will take some time to have them delivered and installed, but at least now we have one more home upgrade almost off our to do list.

4.  Our new library is amazing!  Evidently, we have passed the time frame when a limited number of books can be checked out.  Now our accepted number of books is ninety-nine!  Yes, 99.  [I wonder if I can actually reach that number of books to check out and read all at once.]

5.  And at the library, we have been able to check out the British series Lewis.  We've watched all the Endeavor and Morse series, and now Lewis is carrying on the story of murder mysteries in Oxford.  I'm glad we can get them locally.

BONUS:  I finally finished this cozy (and gigantic) blanket for The New Boy.  He wanted it BIG.  He chose the colors and yarn.  He's taller than I am now, so you can imagine how big this thing is.

A New Year. A New Blanket.

Have a warm safe weekend!


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hello - I love that blanket and I love that fireplace in your new home! Nice. Stay warm. Spring's coming!

ellen b. said...

That blanket is huge! Such a nice grandmother you are...
I wish they'd film a new season of Lewis. sigh. I'll have to check our library to see if I can get the series. Our library is tiny compared to the Camarillo library! Happy Valentine's day weekend to you.

Anonymous said...

Another WIP off the list is usually a big fave, too! No doubt the grandson is loving it.
I’m thankful for the layer of snow insulating the plants during this deep freeze. Something one doesn’t think of unless your plants have had to try to survive without it. Mary

Ingrid said...

That's funny we have just the Lewis series on TV and I also love Morse and Inspector Barnaby. Our library is closed due to Coronavirus, could be transmitted with the books ! I don't know. Here it is extremely cold, - 8°C (48F) and we are not used to it !
Fortunately the heating works well and it's nice and warm !

Wendy said...

Great blanket. Yes Lewis (and the others) is a great series. Seen them all here. Wow 99 books from the library? Where would you put them all lol? Our library is closed but you can get a click and collect service at one nearby but I'm coping without it so far. Keep warm and enjoy the weekend.

Karen said...

36 days!! You've made MY day:o) I'm sure your grandson will treasure that blanket for a long time. How special that you made it for him. Happy <3 day!

Beside a babbling brook... said...

Didn't realize it is Chinese New Year, till I came on the net and to Blog Land.

Love to see icicles, although they are not a good sign. Means ice build up, which is never good. But they do make great photo oppppps!!!!

💕 💓 💗 💖 💗 💓 💕

Faith said...

I love seeing icicles. So pretty!!

that blanket!! GORGEOUS and such great color scheme.

We don't have a limit on the number of books from our town library....i usually take 2-3 at a time and then end up renewing at least one. i'm reading a good one now called The Third Daughter. historical fiction about human trafficking before it became a phrase. (jewish russian women sold into sexual slavery to south america thinking they were on a boat to the USA. it's excellent).

have a cozy weekend

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I think it’s wonderful that you are still making blankets for the “boys” who are taller than you! It must be wonderful to be closer to them even if it does come with icicles.

Sara said...

The fireplace surround is really lovely. I like it! And the blanket looks warm and cozy, and you have the weather there to put it to good use. The Boy must be very pleased. Taller than you? Wow.

Susanne said...

The picture of the boy and his blanket made me smile. Love it. Icicles really are lovely even though a reminder of the cold. Our library just got rid of late fees. I don't know if we have a limit or not on books But 99? Who would have 99 books checked out? Sometimes these little rules make me laugh.