Friday, September 17, 2021

Mid September Blessings

 Good Morning!  It is a lovely mid September morning here at Willow's Cottage.  I am sitting on my back patio enjoying a cuppa Joe and watching my hibiscus bush wave in the soft breeze.  This is the right time to ponder what blessings have come my way this week.  I do this every Friday and join several other lovely people in focusing on FRIDAY FAVE FIVES.

1.  A good laugh.  The New Boy (for those who don't know, that's older grandson) showed me something funny this week.  Go to google and type in askew (or click on the word).  Look carefully at the answer.  Trust me.  You'll laugh.  Then do the same with anagram.  Someone has been bored at work.

2.  A mother-daughter day with Younger Daughter.  We didn't do much of what we had planned because her lupus had flared.  But we did drop off Little Warrior (younger grandson) at Trail Life campout with The Professor, New Boy and New Boy's mom (they had a great weekend!).  We took a short hike in the woods, then we drove home along some beautiful country roads and filled our minds and hearts with all the peaceful scenery.

And of course I had to take at least one photo of a barn!

3.  On the way, we stopped at a yard sale.  Score!  She found a great deal on a recumbent exercise bike and an antique sled decorated for Christmas, and I snagged a well preserved 1940s style side table which will blend in well with my mid-century modern furniture.  And the man who was selling them was a delightful older gentleman so the visit was pleasant as well.

4.  Last week I met two of the neighbors who live across the street.  One evening this week, I was walking alone because The Professor had a meeting to attend, and they were sitting together on a front patio.  They invited me to join them and I enjoyed getting to know them more.

5.  I've started another sock yarn afghan.  Knitting is my calming activity.  I chose these colors from my stash because, well, I love turquoise! And it will be warm and snuggly this winter.


nikkipolani said...

Fantastic finds on your adventures!

I joyed the google experim
en ent!

Cathy said...

Love your afghan....those colors are gorgeous!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the color of the yarn! Teal/Turquoise is my favorite! Sounds like you have had a good week. See you again soon.

Faith said...

Those are some of my fave colors in that afghan!! I'm re-doing our oldest daughter's bedroom into a coastal theme for Dave's office/meditation/guest room. the painting begins in a couple weeks and my colors for accents such as art and pillows, frames, etc will be teal/turquoise which I think will go nicely with the grey walls (i haven't yet decided on WHICH grey paint i'm using).

YAY for a mother daughter date even with a lupus flare up. (I don't know much about lupus). And how fun to have met your neighbors and sit a bit for a chat.

I tried the google thing and cracked up at the askew!

have a restful weekend

ellen b. said...

Woohoo for those yard sale finds. Fun. Love the beginning of that afghan. Nice to have a calming hobby during this times. Glad you could meet more of your neighbors. Enjoy the weekend.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely week you had. So fun to hit yard sales and find treasures. Mary

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Those colours are absolutely beautiful! Nice to get to know your neighbors a little better.

Ingrid said...

Autumn is not my favorite season even if the sun is shining, it announces winter !! Slowly we get back to normal here in Belgium, except Brussels, we don't have to wear masks anymore only when there is a crowd, but you have to decide yourself.

Barbara Harper said...

The internet things were hilarious. I'll have to send them to my kids. I'm glad you had some time with your daughter, though I'm sorry for her lupus flare. Sounds like you got some great deals! It's great you got to get to know neighbors better. The afghan looks nice and cozy!

A Joyful Cottage said...

As always, I admire your knitting. That is not an activity that would calm me (smile). I miss all the Ohio barns. You have beautiful countryside to explore. Nice to have time with your daughter. My neighbors are not as welcoming as yours. It's not that they're not nice, or friendly. They just don't engage much. It's okay. I'm as my pastor says about himself, "an introvert with good social skills." LOL Have a great week! Oh, and Anagram was hysterical. Hugs. said...

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Jeannie said...

Googling "askew" didn't work for me because my search engine is "Duck, duck, go". It keeps nosey people from tracking my exciting searches. However, I lowered my protective firewall and Googled askew. It was worth the risk. Some programmer somewhere had too much time on his hands and decided to play a joke. Loved it.