Friday, October 08, 2021

Better Late Than Not At All

 Oh wow!  It's Friday night!  I've had a busy day and am just now sitting down to relax a bit and share my Friday Fave Fives, my weekly discipline of looking back and focusing on the wonderful blessings of my week. (follow that link to join and read of others' thankfulness.)

1.  It doesn't happen often, but Saturday morning all the grandkids are busy and the adults weren't.  So...we took the dogs and enjoyed a morning at a wonderful coffee shop in a neighboring town and then took a long walk on part of the county bike path that we hadn't yet explored.

2.   The leaves are finally just barely turning on the trees.  Maybe autumn is really here.  So much beauty all over the landscape!

3.   Can you believe that this girl is FIFTEEN?  Happy Birthday to our beautiful ZG!  We celebrated with a large group of family at a downtown Columbus restaurant.  (I had to sneak this candid of her as she isn't big on having her photo taken.)

4.  I just have to share this fun photo.  As we were driving New Boy home after school at our house, we noticed this:

What is it???  A UAP? A UFO?  Answer below :)

5.  My brother had a rather major surgery this week.  All is well.  We are so very thankful for excellent healthcare!

That wraps up Willow's Week of many many blessings.  I hope you have a joyful weekend.  Watch for those blessings!

Answer for that UFO?  Did you guess it?  It's a ladybug that landed on our windshield.  It was so cute and I tried to take a picture of it.  The picture didn't turn out so well, but it made a great 'impression'.


Susan said...

Sounds like a nice walk in the country! My grandson is turning 14. Kids grow way to fast! Enjoy your weekend!

Cathy said...

That bike path looks like a beautiful place for a walk. Hope you have a wonderful weekend.

Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad you brother is recovering and doing well. My oldest grandson turned 15 in May and my oldest granddaughter will be 15 in December. The year do go by quickly. Have a good weekend.

Sandi said...

I thought it was a giant ladybug shaped UFO!

ellen b. said...

Happy to hear your brother's surgery went well. Happy birthday to ZG! That looks like a nice trail to walk on.

Ingrid said...

It lookks so huge the little Lady bug ! You had a nice week ! My grandson is 10 and measures 63 inches ! he is as tall as his mother !

Barbara Harper said...

Our leaves are about in the same situation--turning, but not in full color yet. I've forgotten, is it OH you moved to? We were there last week for a memorial service in a small town a few hours beyond Cincinnati--took the RV overnight for the first time.

The walk sounds lovely. Happy birthday to ZG! So glad your brother's surgery went well.

Funny about the ladybug!

nikkipolani said...

Beautiful trail and perfect after a leisurely coffee. So glad you got to celebrate ZG in style and quash the latest rumor of UFOs in the same week!

Faith said...

LOVE the ladybug. I was gonna guess a blimp promoting some autumn event or some such thing. hahah

LOVE the pic of your grandgirl. She's so pretty!!

What a wonderful trail for after coffee and a walk.

Enjoy the's been perfect here in NYS!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Your granddaughter is beautiful! Happy birthday to her.