Friday, December 03, 2021

First Friday in December

It's December!  It's Advent!  It's almost Christmas!  It's also Friday and time for Friday Fave Fives with Susanne from Living To Tell the Story.  I love the stories we tell on Fridays--the blessings of the week. 

1.  Christmas stockings.  It may be preliminary to open our Christmas stockings the day after Thanksgiving, but since the New Mexico and Arizona families were leaving that afternoon, we decided we wanted the fun and atmosphere of Christmas to be the final fun for the week.  The children received snow globes, and the adults scored gift cards. 

2.  On Monday, I had a small bit of basal cell skin cancer removed from the bridge of my nose.  Don't panic or worry--it was small, the doctor removed it all, and this type of cancer is not aggressive.  People with light skin and blue eyes (me!) often have these spots removed.  Add to my genetic makeup the fact I spent a decade living at the equator and two decades living in sunny SoCal, I am a prime candidate.  Right now, I look like I was in a fist fight (but you should see the other guy!) and I may have a small Harry Potter style scar for awhile which greatly impressed the grandkids.

3.  Since my activity is limited for a week, The Professor has been taking fine care of me.

4.  Younger daughter has been changing the dressings on the wound.  Since she is in nursing school, this is right in her bailiwick.  Actually, it has been fun.  "Oh, the swelling is down."  "You are healing fast, Mom."  "The doctor did a great job with those stitches."  "How many times did you ice it today?"

5.  First Sunday of Advent.  I love celebrating Advent!  This week is HOPE.

Happy December!  Happy Advent!  HOPE!


Sandi said...

"The Professor has been taking fine care of me."

I am picturing the guy from Gilligan's Island. 😊

Get well soon!

Wendy said...

Glad you got treatment for the skin cancer and hope the healing continues to go well. How fun to have an early Christmas celebration with family. Enjoy your weekend, hopefully taking it easy.

ellen b. said...

Two good caregivers for you! Hope everything heals up nicely. Great idea to open stockings when everyone is there. Happy first weekend in December to you.

Faith said...

So glad you got your skin cancer taken care of. My inlaws have had a tough time with that!! NO one used sunscreen back in the day did they???

what a great idea to have the grandchildren open their stockings the day after Thanksgiving. Very special.

I LOVE the word HOPE for the first Sunday of Advent. I did a blog post about hope and combined it with the Lamb of God which is the first name of JEsus in an advent devo I'm doing this month about all the names of Jesus. It's very good.

I hope you have a relaxing weekend!

Ingrid said...

What you had on the nose I had once on the cheek In Germany we always celebrate Advent with a wreath and 4 candles, it's completely unknown in other European countries. But I kept my tradition also here in Belgium and now the first advent wreath come up ! This year I forgot, I don't even know if we celebrate Christmas, it all depends on Rick's health. I am really not in the mood!

R's Rue said...

Glad your doing well. Have a lovely day.

Barbara Harper said...

How neat to celebrate a part of Christmas while the family members were there. I'm glad you were able to get the cancer removed. I get concerned about that, as I am very fair also and got blistered every summer (sigh!). Plus, my dad and his dad had skin cancer.

It's good to have great care while healing.

nikkipolani said...

Glad to hear you've had great care all along the cancer removal process. And Advent! Those are great candles.

Susanne said...

"I may have a small Harry Potter style scar for awhile which greatly impressed the grandkids." That is one positive spin on it, for sure. Made me laugh out loud. But seriously praying you heal fast! Nice that you have a nursing school daughter helping it along. What a lovely idea with the "thanksgiving/Christmas" stockings!

A Joyful Cottage said...

Snow globes are a wonderful gift! I watched a Youtube video on how to make snow globes. I may have to try that next year. You know me and my Youtube discoveries. LOL xx