Friday, December 10, 2021

Second Friday of December

Friday Fave Fives coming to you from Willow's Week here at my cottage.

 1.  Second week of Advent.  Peace.

2.  I am recovering quickly from the surgery and no longer need to wear a bandage on my face.  AND the Harry Potter scar is uncovered and noticeable.  (This is the fun part:  "What happened?"  "Voldemort attacked me, but fortunately he was a terrible shot.")

3.  Warm home.  We have had some frigid days and nights this past week.  Every time I walk into the house, I think how blessed I am to have a warm and safe sanctuary.

4.  Cook stove.  On that same theme, I am thankful to be blessed with stove and oven to use for cooking and even heating water to make tea.  Sometimes, I take things like that for granted.

5.Availability.  One of my daughters has needed lots of driving help this week.  I am thankful we can provide that help.  We are healthy and capable to drive.  We have a car.  This is why we moved here.

This week it seems that most of my faves are 'mundane' items.   But maybe the best blessings are the mundane, the simple blessings of the week.


nikkipolani said...

These may be "mundane" but somehow their availability is highlighted from one week to another. Glad you've noted these wonderful gifts.

Susan said...

Glad you are okay. I agree with you about helping family our when we can.

Faith said...

So thankful your surgery went well and that you are recovering. My daughters would chuckle at the HP reference :)

Sometimes it is the mundane, ordinary things that we DO need to be grateful for since we so very often in this country especially, take these things for granted.

I love that you can help out your daughter. That must be a huge blessing to her.

ENJOY the weekend of PEACE.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi - I must have missed a post because I didn't know you were having surgery - but I am so glad it went well and that you are recovering now. It is so great that you are nearby to help your daughter. That is what family is all about. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

ellen b. said...

It's great to be thankful for all things. What a joy to be able to help your daughters!!

Anonymous said...

I’m glad you have a sense of humor about the scar. Badge of honor from those years serving the Lord in Papua. I, too, rarely enter the house without thanking the Lord for the shelter and warmth. Mary

Barbara Harper said...

I am glad the surgery went well and you're healing well.

I think it's great to be grateful for the more mundane things. We too easily overlook them or take them for granted. There's nothing like being without electricity for a while to appreciate all we do with it.

I'm thankful for heart at the push of a button without having to drag in wood and take out ashes.

It's a blessing to be able to help family out like that. We never lived near family, and that was rough sometimes. I am so thankful at least two of m kids live nearby and we can all pitch in and help each other.

Wendy said...

I'm glad you're healing well and nothing wrong with being grateful for the mundane things in life - if you didn't you'd be taking them for granted. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Ingrid said...

Good that you are healing well ! It's so nice for your daughter that you could help ! My mother lived too far away !

A Joyful Cottage said...

Not mundane. . .I say simple. And that's a good thing. I've been having many of the same thoughts about my warm home, good food to eat, little extras that God provides for me. Not because I need them, but because He loves me and desires to bless me. All this makes me grateful, and so unworthy of His attention. Yet, there it is. His love is unconditional and lavish. I'm glad your surgery went well, and that you are getting all the special care you need from your family. Hope you have a lovely Sunday. Hugs.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I will say a prayer for a speedy recovery. It is nice to be able to help out your family when you are needed.

Susanne said...

Not mundane at all. Finding God's blessings and His hand in the simple everyday is what it's all about. What a blessing you are to your daughter to help do some of the driving. That is such a big help. Thanks for the advent reminder of peace this week! I needed that reminder that God gives us His peace that passes all understanding!