Friday, December 17, 2021

Third Friday in December

Happy Friday!  And Happy Fave Fives Day!  Christmas is fast approaching.  Are you ready?  I am pausing and taking a deep breath to focus my attention on the blessings of this past week.  Here are just Five.  (Friday Fave Fives link.)

1.   Third week of Advent.  Joy.

2.  An older missionary colleague asked me about photos I might have of the national missionaries we worked with in our tribal area.  She and her husband had been mentors and teachers to the Hatam pastors before sending them to the Moskona tribe where we were assigned a couple of years later.  I have scanned many of the photos and was able to send them on to her.  Here are three of the Hatam missionaries praying for a newly appointed Moskona church leader.  These men (Bahar, Pete, and Abner) were mentored and then passed on their learning to others.

3.  Browsing the pictures brought back so many wonderful memories-- my younger son and his friend Simson (the son of one of the Hatam missionaries).

Our first village, Meyokda

Wow, this picture brings back memories!  Our Christmas card!
Yes, we are sitting in front of a MAF helicopter--our only means of transportation in and out of our village.

4.  Christmas cards and letters have been arriving in the mailbox!  I love receiving and sending those greetings and updates.

5.  Is it true that it isn't really Christmas until you post a picture of your Christmas tree?  Just in case, here is our tree this year.  Just lights.  No ornaments.  We looked at the tree and decided we liked it the way it is.  (the fave?  super easy)

May you continue to have a JOYous December!


Faith said...

OH what a pretty tree with just the lights. I have one on my front porch that is just branches and lights. I love it.

And how precious and special to have those photos to remind you of your calling from God to serve in another nation. I LOVE all the photos. thanks for sharing.

I love receiving and sending Xmas cards too! It's fun to read everyone's news especially the people not on social media. I stuck with sending cards to just extended family and friends not on FB this year....

Have a marvelous weekend!! We might actually get some snow up here in eastern NY tomorrow!!

nikkipolani said...

Somehow, it feels different when you call it the "third Friday in December"... yikes. I like the lights-only tree, too. Something elegantly simple about it.

Wow, those are amazing memories. Rich experiences for all of you.

ellen b. said...

We are enjoying the naturally flocked trees in our yard. Just perfect. Love seeing these memories from your time as missionaries. Love that Christmas photo!! Christmas Eve is a week away...wohoo!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Your tree is pretty with just the lights. It was fun to see the pictures of your missionary experiences. Have a good weekend.

Barbara Harper said...

Those photos are so neat! I love Christmas cards and letters, too. We get fewer every year--I guess since people keep up online through the year maybe they don't feel the need for the once-yearly catch-up. But I still enjoy them.

Hope you and yours have a wonderful Christmas!

A Joyful Cottage said...

I did not know you were missionaries, but I'm not at all surprised. I can definitely see you in that role. :) I'm sure you must have wonderful stories to tell. I like your tree; the simplicity of it. I'm planning to take the ornaments off my tree after Christmas and leave the tree itself with the lights on at least through January. I think it would be wonderful to enjoy the tree with lights in the dark, cold month of January. At night fall it's so cozy. Hugs.

a spirit of simplicity said...

What an interesting life you have had. I like my tree without ornaments as well. However, after a week I always end up decorating it.

Ingrid said...

I am also surprised that you were working in Africa ! Must have been interesting but not easy ! I have noticed that when I take a picture of old photos they come out just as new, far better then scanning ! But your old pictures look very nice !

Susan said...

A belated Merry Christmas!!!