Friday, October 28, 2022

Finishing Up October

FRIDAY FAVE FIVES.  I pause in my week to reflect on blessings and little or large things that I am grateful for.  Monday evening at my Bible Study, we discussed being grateful and decided that we would focus on THREE THINGS each day that we were blessed with.  Just like the FIVE THINGS in my week.  If you want to join in, use THIS LINK to get you to Susanne's blog where she hosts us.

1.  A wedding.  On Saturday, we drove an hour each way to attend the wedding of a young man who we knew back in California.  He lives here now and married a young woman from here.  It was beautiful!  And we were able to chat with his parents and sister who flew out here for the wedding.

2.  That drive through the country to and from the wedding was lovely.  I posted lots of photos of the autumn scenery and old barns here on the blog a couple of days ago.  This is the link if you love barns and autumn leaves.  Or just scroll down to the next blog post.  Here are three pictures to whet your interest.

3.  One little blessing really cheered me up this week.  We were in a big box store looking for a new ceramic pot for my shamrock plant.  When we took it to check out, we realized that there was actually supposed to be a plant in the pot.  Since there was no plant (probably it had died), the store just gave it to us for free.  I think I like this store and will be back.

4.  Since we own the home Younger Daughter was living in, we decided to sell it and not continue to be landlords.  We already have a buyer and things are moving along quickly.

5.  I can never tire of enjoying backyard bonfires.  On the weekend, we invited our next door neighbors to join us and we sat and chatted until late evening.  I am so very thankful for my new beautiful firepit!


Pamela M. Steiner said...

Such lovely photos! Love seeing the fall color, as we don't have too much of it here in Florida. And we haven't been quite cool enough yet in the evenings for backyard bonfires, but you make me want to have one soon! I want to make some s'mores! November is usually a better month for us to have a fire in the fire pit. We just have a little portable one that we can put out in the yard anywhere. Hubby is mainly waiting to be sure the bugs are all gone before he will go out at night! LOL. We live beside a pond, and the mosquitoes can be vicious, and they especially seem to like him! I enjoyed reading all of your thankful items. Hope you have a blessed and wonderful weekend!

Faith said...

There's nothing like a good backyard bonfire....i'm thinking of having another one tomorrow late afternoon while dinner cooks on the grill!

LOVE your autumn Ohio pics and the drive and wedding must have been beautiful. I'll check out your other post sometime this weekend. I'm still dealing with the daily headaches (had a couple of pain free days here and there this month but this week it's been awful so I covet your prayers and WILL read more on the blogs later eyes get tired from the head pain).

It sure does seem to be a good time to sell a house! Around here they aren't staying For Sale very long!

ENJOY the weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I want to have a fire pit in my backyard one day! Sounds lovely. Great pictures of your drive to the wedding. It's so nice that you could go. I completely understand selling your rental property home. We have two income properties in addition to the place we live, and we are ready to "take out some equity" as Charly says and sell at least one of our places, and move ourselves back into the home we have been renting. That is set to take place next summer. It's good you have found a buyer for your home in this tough market. So glad you had a good week. Enjoy your weekend. See you again soon!

Susanne said...

The autumn pics are gorgeous. What a lovely drive. The free plant pot is a nice unexpected blessing. How wonderful you already have a buyer for the house! We were landlords once. Didn't last long. LOL. I would love a fire pit in the backyard.

Barbara Harper said...

What gorgeous autumn photos. And how nice to get the planter free! Glad you got to visit with neighbors and go to a wedding and visit with friends there. How great you have a buyer already! We did something similar--we bought a house for my son and d-i-l to rent, thinking we might downsize into it or use it for rental income. But when they bought their own place, we just wanted to be done with the rental.

A Joyful Cottage said...

Ahhh, nothing prettier than an Ohio autumn. That first photo is amazing! Congratulations on the home sale! Hugs.

ellen b. said...

Congratulations on having a buyer! That's wonderful. And just like that the fire in your back patio is warming the neighborhood. Love it!

Melanie said...

Your autumn photos are lovely! We still have color here as well but it's starting to disappear as the leaves fall. Blessings to the young man and his bride as they begin their new life. What was wonderful that you got the pot you liked for free. I'd like that store too. I hope the sale of the house is successful. Have a great rest of the weekend.

R's Rue said...

I love your photos. Regine

Ingrid said...

Your photos are beautiful ! Our trees got colors too, but we have nearly summer temperatures ! It's difficult to find appropriate clothes !

nikkipolani said...

Oh, that firepit sounds fabulous for fall! How fun to gather round and chat with that warmth and glow.

Kimberly said...

Let me share this on your lovely blog, A neighbor of mine developed dementia & diabetes, then her husband died, no children or family nearby. I am thankful our closest neighbor, an African American woman, introduced Dr Itua Herbal Medicine, A traditional herbal doctor in which we purchased a herbal product for her through his Dr Itua online herbs store. A former social worker stepped in and led the way to place the widow in a care facility. We visit nearly every week until she finishes drinking Dr Itua herbal medicines, if possible. The two of us take simple games, puzzles, and matching cards to do with her, staying about 2 hours. Jenga, Trouble, puzzles 100pcs or less, 20 cards to match (total-not 40!). The fishing game where the fish open and shut their mouths as they go around is lots of fun! We sit and chat with her until she gets well again, then we pull out a game and the three of us laugh together as we play. We take a variety of things to do so that we won't get bored. She finished Dr Itua herbal medicines and she's fine now and doing better with the help of Dr Itua herbal medicines, Dr Itua cures different illnesses with his herbal medicines. Anyone having a sick person should reach Dr Itua email Dr Itua Cure Alzheimer's,Cancer,Parkinson,Hiv,Herpes,Hpv,Kidney disease,Diabetes,Hepatitis, We hug and hold hands a lot. Having two of us go together really helps. But I can go alone, my neighbor cannot, as she saw so much of this during her years as a social worker. I hope this specific list helps others in this situation.