Happy Friday! Another week in the books. It is important to me to be mindful and thankful of all the small and large ways I am blessed each day and week. Therefore, Friday Fave Fives is important to me. Here is my list of Five Blessings I have noted in Willow's Week.
1. Our area has been clobbered twice with snow storms this week. I am glad that the snow melted off fairly quickly from both storms. Even so, area schools were closed one day. I'm thankful for the beauty but also that the snow didn't stick around for days and days.
2. On Tuesday afternoon, The Professor and I braved the weather during one of the warmer times and took a drive north through a couple of small towns and ended up in a place called Mt. Vernon. It is a lovely quaint town which has at least two small universities. Our interest was in the walking trails there. We enjoyed a lovely two and a half mile walk along a river and around a lake and then back across the river to our car. I took some lovely photos of the scenery but unfortunately, my camera and my computer are having a tiff and not speaking to each other. (detailed fix-it coming soon, I hope)
3. An added joy to that walk was a lovely conversation with a gentleman who pointed us in the right direction for the best walk and also traded numbers with The Professor and invited us visit him at his home some time soon as we have much in common beyond our mutual love of walking and exploring.
4. I love living near my daughters, like a five minute drive. One afternoon, we realized that our clothes dryer quit working. The clothes were washed and wet and we needed them. So we checked with the girls and arranged to pop over and dry our clothes. And had an opportunity to chat with the teenagers, too. I am so thankful to be so close to them.
5. We love to travel. It's just in our nomadic bones. So yes, we are traveling. With all that cold and grey and rain and snow, we decided we needed some sunshine and warmth, so south we are headed. So far, we haven't found any warmth or sun, but at least we are enjoying our adventure. And we will be spending time with friends and family.
How about you? What blessings have you found in your week?