Friday, January 20, 2023

Midwinter Friday Faves

Happy Friday!  Willow's Week was mostly quiet with a few bursts of energy.  In midwinter, that is probably the best way to gratefully walk through a week.  These are my Friday Fave Fives (the link will connect you to Susanne's blog where you can read more or join in).

This week I finished reading a book titled Simple Ways to Be More With Less by Courtney Carver.  At the very end of the book there was a section written by guest writer Joshua Becker about Prayer and Gratitude.  I loved his closing statements and feel they are worthy to be quoted here and used for my first three faves because they have encouraged and challenged me over and over this week. 

1.  "Another benefit of prayer in your life is that prayer leads to gratitude.  Gratitude leads to contentment."  

2.  "Unfortunately, we live in a culture that preaches discontent.  A consumer-driven culture will always attack gratitude.   If they can sow seeds of discontent in our lives, they can sell us on their new product line or latest version with new improvements.  In contrast, those who can find gratitude in their current existence will be less influenced by those empty promises."  

3.  "Gratitude grounds us and focuses our lives on others."

4.  Sunshine and somewhat temperate weather filled me with joy and gratitude this week.  We took several walks in the sunshine, one of them at the local arboretum.

5.  Finally, I read a book this week that challenged me.  Titled Safer Than A Known Way, it is an autobiography of a young woman who worked with Brother Andrew and was also the companion and caregiver for Corrie Ten Boom at the end of her life.  I highly recommend it.

6.  Yes, I have an extra this week again.  Younger Son's birthday was this week.  He was my miracle baby as I was sick with malaria when he was born.  We both lived.  And for that too I am grateful.

Wasn't he the cutest six year old in the world?


Melanie said...

I'm very familiar with Joshua Becker. My daughter pointed me to his blog, and I've really learned so much in how to simplify life. The book you mentioned sounds very good. I'll have to look that up. I agree that prayer and gratitude go hand in hand. I've especially had to remember that this week. I hope your weekend is lovely.

nikkipolani said...

That's so great that you have this photo of your son -- glory to God for both of you surviving and thriving.

That second quote reminds me of a conversation with a friend and how all marketing and advertising is essentially based on discontentment. We are inundated wherever we go. Which makes your visit to the arboretum with those whimsical animal sculptures so lovely.

Karen said...

Aw! those freckles:)

Loved your #2. I hadn't thought of it that way before, but our culture does preach discontent, doesn't it? So much so that we have become biologically driven to keep buying (as in the adrenaline rush we get from purchasing things.) Lots of food for thought there.

Deb J. in Utah said...

You have been doing some good, uplifting reading this week! Yes, your son was sure a cutie. I hope he had a nice birthday. Have a good weekend. SEe you again soon!

Wendy said...

Lovely picture of your son. Hope he had a good birthday. Lots of food for thought in your post this week. Have a good weekend.

Lynn and Precious said...

You do have a life to be thankful for. We all do if we'd take the time to be thankful. I am not happy with being inundated with the "what we must haves" advertised in our faces all the time. Send some sun up here. We get too many Lake Erie clouds. Lynn

Barbara Harper said...

Love those quotes. I read Safer Than A Known Way some years ago and really enjoyed it. I probably should read it again. Happy birthday to younger son--what a blessing that you both survived the malaria.

Faith said...

Love ALL those quotes but most especially the truth and importance of the 2nd one. SO true.
I'd love to look for that book you mention.....about Corrie Ten Boom's caretaker.

WOW......first of all, super cute 6 yr old. so precious.
And praise God you both survived your malaria illness. A true miracle baby.
Happy the photos you took on your walk. Fascinating sculptures.

Susan said...

Happy Birthday to your son. I want to check out the book you mentioned. My parents and grandparents are buried about 20 feet from Corrie Ten Boom. I will be buried in the same location. Glad you got out to walk, I need to do that too. Have a great week Willow!

ellen b. said...

Happy birthday to your miracle son. Glad you both survived. Enjoyed the quotes about prayer. Those sculptures are very cool. Happy end of January to you. We are looking at a very cold snap coming our way.

A Joyful Cottage said...

He's pretty cute. :) I agree that prayer brings gratitude, and gratitude contentment. Love how that works. Glad you had a good week. xo

Susanne said...

Wow, having a baby when you had malaria! Truly is a miracle and happy birthday to him. Love those quotes by Joshua Becker. I haven't read his books but I follow his blog. Sunshine and good walking weather are good things to be thankful for this winter.

Schotzy said...

Such a beautiful and uplifting post. I regally appreciate your words on prayer, gratitude to contentment. So very true. Too bad that many of us never really Grady the truth until we are much older!