Friday, November 03, 2023

Hello November!

Good morning!  It's November!  It's C-O-L-D!  According to various places I have read, November is a month to be thankful.  Nope.  Every day is the day, every month is the month, to be thankful.  That's one reason I try to always post my Friday Fave Fives here at Willow's Cottage-- a reminder to 'give thanks always'. (follow the link to join us)

Here are my Five Faves from this last week of October/first week of November.

1.  Yes, it's cold here in Ohio.  This is our fourth winter and maybe we are getting used to it.  It snowed Tuesday night/Wednesday morning.  Not in our neighborhood, but in areas nearby.  We happened to be driving to a town southeast of here and passed places where the snow was still on the ground, mostly in shaded areas.  I know the photos aren't great, but here's proof.  What is there to be thankful for?  I am thankful for the seasons.

2.  Even though the recent wind and rainstorms blew down most of the leaves, there were still a few spots of autumn color.  I am always amazed (and thankful) at the beauty of the trees as their leaves turn red, orange, yellow or brown.

3.  Why were we headed out to that area?  Brunch with our coffee friends, T and S.  We decided to enjoy a breakfast at the iconic Denny's there.  Lots of yummy nine grain pancakes for me (which I brought home and finished for dinner).  I love our conversations which switch around all the time.  Some weeks we discuss theological issues; some weeks it's gardening and other outdoor stuff; some weeks it's memories of California; always it's so rewarding.  We are so thankful for these friends.

4.  We needed some new bedding and found a set of warm flannel sheets.  This made me think of how thankful I am for a warm home with plenty of warm, comfy blankets.

5.  What's better than a mug of hot coffee (or tea) in the mornings?  Nothing!  I am thankful that when I wake up, there is always a hot pot of coffee waiting for me. Not sure how that's a daily miracle :)

And a bonus for your enjoyment of old barns, a dark barn on a rainy day.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Glad you had a nice week, with lots of things to be grateful for. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon.

Susan said...

Hi Willow, my daughter's boyfriend's parents live in Ohio. We were in the 80's this week and it is going to the 70's next week. I sure hope we are done with the hot weather! We can still get windy days as you know. Good that you got to meet up with your friends. I guess they are from California too. I might need to get some of those pancakes at Denny's! Enjoy your weekend!

ellen b. said...

Nice to meet up and have good conversation with friends. Sweet blessing. Yes, you are so right , everyday is a day to be thankful.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

I just love this time of year. My mother used to say that she didn't like Autumn because she knew winter was coming and she really didn't like winter. If you think about it that is 6 months of every year, half of each year means half of your life, being unhappy over the weather. What a waste, especially when Autumn is so beautiful here in New England!

Faith said...

I love this time of year (actually I love all the seasons but there's just something about mid-Autumn to late autumn that i love). No snow here yet. In fact so far we have only had 2 mornings of frost here!! Today was downright balmy at almost 60!! I took a nice walk after church in the local park.

I LOVE your barn pics. I need to start posting my old church pics I have from the mountains. it's new to me hobby..taking pics of old churches and old tractors left in the mountain towns/farm yards.

Yes retirement is so good for me so far...i am LOVING all the daily walks, power walks bike rides and hikes. I'm praying your ankle gets stronger so you can thoroughly enjoy your hikes/walks too.

Have a blessed week!

nikkipolani said...

Those images of snow on the ground make me shiver. Glad you had a photo of a hot drink to follow!

I smiled at your rhetorical question about coffee. I'm sure you've seen those memes about quitting coffee would reduce your will to live by 89%, or some such. Glad you have your daily morning miracle.

Susanne said...

Brunch with friends, how fun! Love that red tree hanging on to it's splendor. I am very thankful for that cup of coffee all ready for me in the mornings too!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy November! Getting used to the cold can be an ongoing mission. We love our heated mattress pad. It warms up the bed linens so when we get into bed it is toasty warm and feels so good, especially on our feet. We shut it off before going to sleep as that is all we need in addition to a warm quilt on top.