Friday, December 01, 2023

December Has Arrived

 Hello December!  We've made it through eleven months of this year.  And wow, has it flown by so quickly.  I really do need to slow down every week and contemplate what has happened, how I've been blessed and cared for.  And the best way for me to do that is to focus and plan my Friday Fave Fives.  (the link will take you where you can read more and share, too, if you want)

1.  Baby, it's cold outside!  I am thankful for my warm home and cuddly blankets!

2.  We are starting to decorate for Christmas.  Again, I am thankful for a  home where I can celebrate Christmas season.

3.  Both of our daughters were traveling this past week. The weeks around Thanksgiving are the busiest of the year, and all kinds of delays, problems and cancelations can happen.  But both are home safe and sound. For that, I am thankful.

4.  We were invited to attend an event about one and a half hours drive northeast of us, in Amish country.  After a wonderful buffet dinner, we walked over to the concert hall and enjoyed listening to The Hoppers, a Southern Gospel group.  I love music, and it was great fun to spend the time with friends in the car, too.

5.  And of course, I had an opportunity to grab photos of barns along the way (until it was dark...)


Anonymous said...

This has been an eventful year. I’m so glad your girls are home. Now to enjoy the wonderful Advent season. Anticipation is the Natural posture of God’s people! ( I was reminded of that in the intro to a book on Advent. )
Your barn photos are always enjoyable. Mary

Deb J. in Utah said...

I would love to visit Amish country. Amish cooking is just my favorite. I did go to an amazing Amish restaurant in Iowa years ago. Such good food and so much of it! I love your fireplace all decorated for Christmas. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon. :-)

Melanie said...

I've been to Amish country once during a visit to a friend. It was in Maryland, I think. I also saw some Amish barns. I remember seeing a buggy tied up behind the restaurant we went to. Your decorations are so pretty. Have a blessed weekend.

Faith said...

I've been to Amish Country in PA twice and loved it. Great shops, food, welcoming people. I grew up in a village that had an amish community outside the village in the country so got used to seeing the horse and buggies all over town :)

Love your barn photos.

We were very thankful both of our daughters made it to and back from Plymouth MA ok...and that we were safe too!! that drive is not for the faint of heart!! I'm just thankful we didn't have to fly anywhere this year. hahah

I love your Christmas cozy and like you i'm so thankful for cozy blankets and a warm house.'s gonna get colder here today.

Karen said...

Our son lives in Amish country in Wisconsin. Like you, I am in awe of the beautiful farms and barns. Your fireplace looks so cozy, and I love the stockings. Did you knit them?
I can't imagine the holidays without a concert or two. I miss my kids' Christmas concerts when they were in school. We make up for it by going to local concerts now.

ellen b. said...

Hooray for safe travels. I enjoyed the barns. Happy December to you.

Wendy said...

Glad your girls are home safe. Enjoy the rest of the weekend.

Susan said...

I don't see many barns here in So Ca. When I do see them, I will take a picture too. That is why I like to take the central highways when we go north here in CA. I like transforming my home during the holidays. Nice that you could go by Amish country! Enjoy the new week!

Ingrid said...

I love these barns with the special roofs. ours here look look like a wooden house with a normal roof. I have seen these barns when we were in the States visiting my mother's sister who married and American. I had nobody in my room after the guy whom I throw out. And I tried to have lunch with the others. I was sitting with a very funny lady who was death like a stone and you had to scream, and two others and afterwards they told me that the very funny lady was 99 !! I wished I would be like that but with hearing aids !

Susanne said...

Glad your daughters made it home safe and sound from their travelling. Love the stockings hanging on the fireplace. Our weather is weird here right now. Has been above freezing and Thursday it's supposed to get to 59*F. I'm sure some great big winds will be blowing that warmth in.

Barbara H. said...

I know what you mean about time going so fast. I'm glad your daughters made it home safely and you had some fun outings. I'm thankful for a warm home and comfortable beds, too.