Friday, December 15, 2023

There Are Always Blessings, No Matter What

I certainly did not imagine that, ever, I would write a post about being thankful for catching that nasty virus the world has labeled C-v-d.  And yet, here I am, searching my foggy brain for Five Faves from this week.  I'm sure we would all agree that we are thankful that we are able drink, eat, breathe.  Last week, I thought I was dealing with a nasty cold.  Nope.  Tests on Saturday showed those dreaded black lines.  But as I Thessalonians 5:18 states, "Give thanks in all circumstances."  So here are my Friday Fave Fives, giving thanks even in the circumstances of illness. (the link takes you to Susanne's blog where she collects our links)

1.  I have finished reading several books.  Some I had started but not finished.  Others were on the table staring at me, waiting for me to pick them up.  So as soon as I had the energy to pick up a book and open its pages and when I had the ability to focus, I read three, maybe four? books  So I am thankful for quiet reading time.

2.  When your eyes won't focus any more on the words in the book, you pick up your knitting.  I finished my last baby afghan for the year.  Again, it is blocks of different colors randomly arranged.  This one is for a little boy who can use it to snuggle and learn to identify the names of the colors.  Sorry, no photos at this point.  My recovery hasn't quite made it to photographing anything.

3.  Being confined indoors and basically without energy to do much, I am thankful that the sun was shining in through our windows and cheering the whole house.

4.  I am thankful for a healing body.  Maybe TMI here, but ALL the mucus that one has to cough out of their throat, nose and sinuses, is the result of our amazing white blood cells sacrificing themselves to help us heal.  Yes, I knew that, but I am thankful that The Professor reminded me so I would not be grumpy about constantly blowing my nose and coughing up all that muck.

5.  Not quite sure how to phrase this as a fave--- Older Daughter loves to dance.  She's a member of the local youth ballet (which also has classes for adults).  We had tickets for their last performance in a beautiful theatre in a nearby town.  Sadly, I missed it.  But I am thankful that all the rest of our family (plus friends T and S) were able to attend. 

So, my friends, I hope you are well, and if you're not, you still find the goodness of God in your life.  And enjoy some poinsettias from my photo archives.


Susan said...

Hi Willow, so sorry you got sick with Covid. Yes it is amazing how are body acts to fight things off. I am dealing with an earache right now. My fault since I am always scratching my ears. Thankful for medicines that help us feel better! Take care of yourself and thanks for playing Words with Friends with me!

Deb J. in Utah said...

So sorry to hear that you are battling Covid. Been there, done that. Not fun. You are right, even on rough weeks, there are many blessings. Take care and get better soon, and have a very Merry Christmas!

ellen b. said...

Oh so sorry you got the dreaded ick. I do hope that you will be completely healed soon. Oh how I love seeing those poinsettias. It was fun to walk to them back when and take photos! Blessings.

Melanie said...

I'm so sorry to hear about that nasty virus paying you a visit! I'm glad things are improving. I like the sound of the baby afghan you are making. Do you knit individual squares and then join them? I saw a pattern for knitting strips and changing colors (and knit stitch) to create what looked like squares. Then joining the strips. It's an opportunity to learn all sorts of stitches like the moss stitch. I hope you post a photo of your afghan soon.

I always seem to have a couple books "in progress" although I'd rather read one and finish before starting another. But I get a bit bored with one and start another and then go back to the first one later.

Maybe someone was able to video tape your daughter's dance program so you can see it.

Wendy said...

Sorry to hear you've been so unwell, I hope you're soon feeling better. Glad you have your hubby to look after you - hope he stays well.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

So very sorry to hear that you have been so sick. Praying that your body is indeed healing and that you will soon be feeling much better. It is so hard to be sick anytime, but especially right before Christmas. There's a lot of sickness going around here, although I haven't heard the dreaded word C-V-D lately, thank the Lord. I just keep praying we won't get sick. I know Christmas will come regardless of whether or not I can participate, but still...
And I am very sorry you had to miss your daughter's dance program. I can imagine how sad that made you feel, but again, when you are so sick sometimes you are just relieved to stay at home. Did anyone record it for you? Amazing you have been able to knit and also read. That's a good thing. Just take care and praying you will be well in time for Christmas.

Karen said...

I'm so sorry you were sick. Thank you for sharing this beautiful post that reminds us there is good in all things! And those poinsettia photos are just GORGEOUS! Thank you for sharing those too!

Faith said...

YES....being thankful in all circumstances....even the faves you've listed. I remember when dave and I had it at my last Winter Break (Feb 2023). I said Well, something to be thankful for is that 1. it's Winter break so i don't have to use sick time and worry about not being in the classroom and 2. it's winter. Good time to be with covid since there's no hiking to be done in Feb anyways!! 3. we were both sick at same time so lots of cuddling under blankets.

seriously.....I'll pray you are much better as the next few days go by.

Susanne said...

I'm so sorry you are sick. That is no fun but good for you for choosing to look for blessing within it. Sometimes things like getting sick does force us to look for blessings we might not otherwise even think about like how our bodies are designed and work to fight that sickness or something as simple as the lovely warmth of sunshine through a window. I just got my flu shot this week, I hummed and hawwed whether to add the covid one to it but in the end did not. Hope you feel better soon.

Barbara H. said...

I'm so sorry you're sick. Hopefully it will be all done long before Christmas. A handful of people have Covid and strep at church, and I am so hoping it doesn't spread--especially as my son is coming in from out-of-state this week.

One nice thing about being sick is having time to read more than usual.

Good thought about being thankful for our white blood cells and how God made our bodies to fight off infection.

nikkipolani said...

Boy do I empathize with your comment about having enough energy and focus to pick up a book. I've been sick this week, too, and am so thankful for audiobooks!

Hope you are recovering nicely, white blood cells working overtime, and that still more sunshine will spill into your home.

Ingrid said...

Sorry to read that you too were victim of a cold, the Covid or whatever. Here our health minister said it is not worthwhile to check if you have the Corona Virus or not, as you have to take the same medication as for a flu ! Many of my friends were sick too, and the worst is it lasts long, whatever it is. So far I escaped, but I don't go out often and remain mostly in my room. In this time I the year it's hard to be a widow !