Friday, December 08, 2023


Hello to all my friends from around the world.

If you came here looking Friday Fave Fives, please return in a bit.  I'm fighting what is most likely a cold and need some rest.  Then I'll post my usual Five Blessings from the week, one of which will undoubtedly be that I am feeling better.

Until then...

Thanks for your patience.  I am feeling some better.  Here are my Friday Fave Fives from this past week.

1.  I am thankful for all the OTC helps I've been consuming.  They really have helped me feel better.  My favorite is still Cold Care tea from Traditional Medicinals.

2.  I'm thankful The Professor has been doing so much to help me.

3.  Can you imagine feeling sick and living in a cold house with no heat?  I am so thankful for my heated home, cozy blankets, and warm clothes.

4.  OK, on to other things...  Last night (Thursday) we attended our first Sights and Sounds of Christmas.  It is a tradition here and we loved walking around the center of our town and visiting eight churches and listening to Christmas music--bells and chimes, choirs, organs, harps and pianos.  It was beautiful!

5.  I love our library!  And I am thankful for all the books I can read which I can request from the library.  Especially when I am 'confined' to my recliner.


Pamela M. Steiner said...

I am sorry to hear that you are under the weather. I pray you will be feeling better really soon. Yes, I know how wonderful the library is, and the comfortable recliner and cozy blankets. I've added an electric throw blanket to the list, and it really is wonderful! I can wrap it around me and it warms me up and helps the aching back/neck/arm better than any heating pad. Best invention ever! Please take care and drink lots of fluids and feel better soon.

Susan said...

I am sorry you are not well, and I pray you feel better soon, Willow.

Cathy said...

I'm so sorry you've been sick, but you are right. A comfy recliner, warmth from our cozy blankets and nice warm house and lots of books from the library to read are so wonderful. And so is a husband who helps out so much while you are down.

Take care and I hope you are completely back to normal soon.

ellen b. said...

Bummer about the cold. Hope by now you are tip top! What a great collaboration that event is!

nikkipolani said...

Warmth is definitely a blessing -- especially in Ohio! Glad those cold treatments are helping you recover.

That Sights and Sounds event! What a great idea.

Faith said...

So sorry you've been dealing with a cold but all of the faves really do help us: cozy warm house and blankets; hot tea; rest and reading good books; (I LOVE my library too!!) and a fun evening of strolling to various churches to hear Xmas music. True blessings. I hope you're beginning to feel better as the new week approaches.

Melanie said...

I'm glad to hear that you're feeling better. I love my books. I don't have a lot of book shelves but the ones I do have are packed. Books are friends and add a cup of hot tea to them and it's paradise!

a heartful child said...

I am glad that you are feeling better. What a lovely tradition to visit different churches for a Christmas celebration.

Rajani Rehana said...

Beautiful blog