Friday, May 24, 2024

Fave Fives for Late May

 There is some progress being made on the recovery of my laptop. Maybe, just maybe, we may have access today to the replacement fan.  Waiting for that text on The Professor's phone.   In the meantime, I am taking photos but can't move them from my camera.

Anyway,  this week has still moved quickly.  The weather has bloomed into true late spring. Warm, humid, with cloudy arriving carrying bouts of rainfall.  Tall Boy was finally able to mow our lawn yesterday. It looks great!  The flowers in the pollinators garden are blooming. The bees are happy.

What else could we wish for? What else has blessed us this week? Here are five more happy events.  I am linking my Friday Fave Fives to Susanne's blog (

1. In anticipation of some more active weeks traveling, I have been working with a young woman doing some strength training. While I tease her that she's killing me, I do appreciate how she is pushing me to improve my upper body strength.

2.  Our handyman came back this week and power washed our house. It sure needed it. And now it looks great.

3.  I am almost finished with knitting a vest for a friend. All I need to do is have her try it on and then sew up the sides. It was made from the wool of local alpaca.   Photos hopefully coming soon.

4.  Our younger grandson, Warrior Boy, graduated from eighth grade this week.  How did this happen? So proud of the progress he has made.

5.  Two dinners with friends. We love the food but especially the fellowship.

BONUS! I SAVED THE BEST UNTIL LAST.  S and S were married last Saturday!  Who are they? You may recall that a family foursome who we call our kids and grandkids moved from SoCal about two years ago.  We have known them for more than twenty years. The younger son married his sweetheart on Saturday! And now we have another granddaughter!

Random photos of the south coast of England (Jurassic Coast) for your enjoyment of the beauty of this area (from April 2022).

And of course Eleanor wanted to have her picture too!


Tom said...

...I wish you well with weeks of active travel. Take lots of pictures and be well.

Pamela M. Steiner said...

How exciting to be planning a trip that will be "active". Can't wait to hear more about it. Congratulations to your "kids"/"Grandkids" that got married. And I love your pictures of England...and your teddy bear too! I'm glad I'm not the only one who does things like that. Have a blessed vacation and enjoy your summer days.

Cathy said...

I hope we will be able to view the vest soon. I love the hats in your header photo. Congrats to the newlyweds. Hope you will get all your computer issues fixed really soon.

ellen b. said...

That's great that you are working on some upper body strength. I'm on day 37 of a workout with a dvd to get stamina for our trip to Scotland in September. Grandkids just grow so fast. Congrats to the newlyweds. Lovely photos of my favorite country for travel.

Faith said...

Congrats to your young friends getting married! that's wonderful.

I need to do more upper body strength training. I just bought a package of resistance bands to use in place of weights which aggravate my shoulder and neck issues. Resistance bands are supposed to be gentler but the same if that makes sense. My chiropractor told me what to get. Hopefully i'll find some good you tube videos for them.

I hope you have a wonderfully relaxing weekend!

Barbara H. said...

I hope your laptop recovery goes well. We just planted some wildflowers that are supposed to attract hummingbirds. I hope they do! We have a fenceline where my husband wanted to plant hydrangea bushes, but it's not working so well, even though we have a healthy hydrangea bush across the yard. So we planted wildflowers in a patch we can see from the kitchen window to see how we like them.

Good for you for working on strength training. I need to do the same.

How neat to use wool from local alpaca!

Glad you had some good fellowship this week and especially for your friends' son's wedding!

nikkipolani said...

Ugh. Technology is great until it isn't! I bought a smaller camera thinking it would be a great lightweight alternative. It also boasted of the ability to use WiFi to move my photos to the computer. Alas, I never got that feature to work...

Congrats on growing your family :-)

Yes, fellowship is so wonderful. Glad you had lots of it this week.

Melanie said...

Gorgeous photos!

I hope you survive your training! I need to work on my upper body strength as well. I have a couple of Silver Sneakers workouts using TheraBands that I've saved for that very reason.

Congratulations to S and S! You must be thrilled.

I hope you show off the knitted vest you made for your friend when you're able.

Julia said...

Congrats to your grandson on graduating from 8th grade! My daughter also graduated from 8th grade yesterday. Two dinners out with friends in one week sounds delightful. Looking forward to hearing more about your upcoming travel. Hope you have a wonderful holiday weekend!

Susan said...

Congratulations on your grandson's graduation from 8th grade. My granddaughter did too, and I posted pictures on my blog. Congratulations on the newlyweds too! Have a great weekend!

Deb J. in Utah said...

So glad you had a good week. Yes, grandchildren do go up quickly. Congrats on your grandson passing a big milestone! The wedding sounds lovely. So glad you could be a part of it! Enjoy the weekend. See you again soon!

Gattina said...

It looks as if you had a nice week ! Here it still rains, it's a miracle that we don't have fish heads and flippers, instead of head and feet ! What a beautiful landscape and blue water !!

Jennifer said...

Beautiful photos...and congrats on an added granddaughter!!