Friday, May 10, 2024

Mother's Day Weekend

FRIDAY!   Time for Friday Fave Fives. Link is  My faves might be a bit different in this post.  Maybe no photos again as my laptop is not functional  right now. However, The Professor knows someone who can fix it, so it may not be out of commission for too long.  Anyway... on to FFFs.

1.   I  am feeling better. Sometimes, resting is the best medicine.  Thanks for all your concerns for me.

2.   In fact, I was able to get outside and walk most days and also spend quite a bit of time in the garden.

3. And... go to one workout with a young woman who is helping me gain more upper body strength.

4.  Safety.  Our county was under another tornado warning one evening.  Fortunately, we were safe, and I haven't heard of any major damage in the area.  And we appreciated getting the rain.

5.   This week , a young handyman is finishing our garage walls for us.  We had put up the insulation and wallboard,  but frankly we are getting old for taping, mudding, sanding and painting.  The work should be done by Monday. It is a win-win. Our garage walls are finished, and he has work to support his young family.

So, friends, have a wonderful weekend! Thank your mom and if she isn't with you any longer, honor her memory.

Random photos of flowers which I took in England two years ago (they are on my tablet).



Tom said...

...#1 I just dozed off sitting at my computer.
...#2 I've been working in the garden, perhaps that's why I dozed off?
...#3 Working out, each day is a work out for me.
...#4 Stay safe.
...#5 You are lucky to find a handy guy!
...Happy Mother's Day, Lina.

Faith said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better.
Love the flower photos!
I had to access this blog via my "Reading List" on my own blog cause when I tried on the Mr Linky, the box popped up with a warning. (see my email)
I love that you had a work out for upper body strength :) I need to do more of that.
Have a wonderful Mother's Day!

Anonymous said...

I didn’t know you were under the weather, but I’m glad to hear that you are getting better.
We have had a bit of “weather” here, too. The great thing is that we’ve also had a good bit of rain, and everything is beautifully green. We have such wonderful, vibrant colors right now.

nikkipolani said...

Great fixes, friend! Feeling better, getting stronger, staying away from tornados, and finishing the garage (with help).

Whatever that last flower photo is, it's stunning.

ellen b. said...

Win, win for sure in finding someone to do the tedious parts of a job. Sounds like a good recovery week adding more activity each day. Happy Mother's Day weekend to you and yours!

Susan said...

Hi Willow, I am glad you are feeling better. I have gone back to the gym to improve my strength. Good that you got help for your garage. Have a Happy Mother's Day!

Julia said...

Hi. I'm new to your blog and wanted to say hello. Glad to hear you are feeling better. And glad you were able to get outside for some walks. Walking outside is my favorite form of exercise. What gorgeous photos of flowers! I imagine England was a beautiful place to visit. I'd love to go there someday. Hope you have a Happy Mother's Day! My mom very sadly passed away in March and I miss her so much, but I'll be thinking of her tomorrow and I know she's smiling down on me.

Barbara H. said...

I'm glad you're feeling better and were able to get out for some walks. It's always good when tornadoes don't form. Sometimes it does pay to have someone else do certain kinds of work for us.