Friday, May 03, 2024

May Has Arrived!

Welcome to May!  This Friday, the weather is a bit under clouds and I'm a bit under the weather, too.  So it is a day of rest for me.  The quiet time today is a good time to focus my fuzzy brain on all the wonderful ways I have been blessed this week so I can post them as my Friday Fave Fives.  Several of us join together with Susanne on her blog to post blessings from our week.  Join us!

1.  Again this week, we got in a couple of four mile walks.  Because I miss the beaches in SoCal, I try to walk near water, preferably creeks and rivers (water needs to be moving!)  We decided to walk with younger daughter at a new to us spot-- the other end of the Black Hand Gorge Trail.  It was beautiful.  And the granddogs loved it, too.  [NOTE:  not sure why I am not able to upload any photos.  If you are having issues, too, please let me know.]

2.  I am slowly putting the garden together.  Cucumbers and basil were planted in this week and soon I will be adding replacement tomatoes for the ones that died in the frost.  I also have borage and parsley, lettuce and kale to add, too.

3.  I love when I get a text from our former neighbor in CA.  World's Best Neighbor is what I call her.  She catches me up on all the neighbors and on her life, too.  And of course, knitting.  I am so thankful to quick and easy communication.

4.  Libraries!  Tall Boy requested a visit to the local library this week.  I took him after his piano lesson.  The library allows any adult to sign him up for a card, as long as they take responsibility for any costs like lost books.  I accepted the conditions. So now he has his own card.  Our plan is to drop by the library regularly.

5.  I know that I often mention our friends T and S who we meet for coffee weekly.  This week was extra special because Younger Daughter had a a few days off work and joined us.  We laughed so much and talked for so long.  We never fail to just enjoy each others' company.  Our friendship is a hug blessing to us. (And I love that our girls and grands love them, too.)

So, my friends, think about your week and remember the goodness in your life.  Be blessed.  Be well.  Be thankful.


Tom said...

...I hope that you will be feeling better soon.

nikkipolani said...

How lovely that you got to be out walking and enjoying all the sights and sounds of spring -- and with dogs and family, too.

Wish I could be puttering in your garden, too. Do you start from seed or is the season too short to do that without an indoor head start?

Your weekly coffee with special guest sounds just delightful. What blessings those are.

Susan said...

I would love to walk by streams of waters int he woods. But I am closer to the beach and I need to get hubby to take a drive over there. Nice that you still stay in touch with your California neighbor. Have a great weekend!

Barbara H. said...

I'm sorry you're under the weather. Hope you feel better soon. Living in TN, this is the first time I have been in a landlocked state. But it's funny, we've been around the water here in the form of lakes and rivers more than we were in SC. So nice that you heard neighborhood news from your former neighbor. Taking my kids to the library was one of my favorite things when they were young. How neat that your grandson still likes to go.

Susanne said...

I well remember getting my very first library card! I was so excited. What great reading adventures await your grandson. I love walking by creeks and rivers. We have a lovely pathway in our river valley and we use it often. I have never heard of borage. I'll have to look it up. How nice to still keep in touch with your World's best Neighbor.

Karen said...

I hope you feel better very soon. How fun that you and your grandson share going to the library. My grands in Wisconsin live one block from their library and it has become one of my favorite things to do when I'm there, taking them for books. The library has a wonderful used book shop! so I'm always glad when we drive up there and I have lots of room in the car to bring a bag back with me.

Walking near the water is such a nice experience. I'm glad you've found some nice trails.

My plans to work in the garden today have been thwarted by high winds! It's an indoor day now!