Friday, April 26, 2024

Another Week of Blessings

This has been a whirlwind week.  And it has been a week of blessings.  Here are my Friday Fave Fives from week of many activities.  The link will take you to Susanne's blog where you will find lots and lots more weekly blessings

1.  Today we have had sunshine!  After many cold and cloudy days, it was wonderful to wake up to sun.  Driving home this morning from my Bible Study group, I reveled in the bright green of lawns and trees and in the white, pink, blue, purple and yellow blossoms which sparkled in the sun.  Sometimes, we forget to appreciate the beauty that is right in front of our eyes, and this morning I was thankful for this reminder.

2.  On Saturday, a friend and I drove an hour north to Amish country to attend a health/wellness/herbalism conference.  The conference was great and I learned some important information. An added bonus is that we were across the road from Lehman's which is a large store stocked with so much interesting stuff.  I needed a replacement chimney for my old oil lamp (which I love to use) and this store is the only place I have been able to find one.  I always enjoy my trips with this friend.

Amish farmer plowing his field

Drive slowly and carefully in Amish Country because there is often slow traffic on the roads.

3.  Our local beekeeper came this week to check on our hive.  Every time he comes, I learn something more about the bees.  We were also pleased to know and see that our hive is healthy and thriving.

4.  After two weeks of not being able to meet with our coffee friends T and S because of sickness at their house, we had a great coffee and conversation time with them (and one other friend) on Thursday morning.  Their fellowship always is an encouragement and joy to both The Professor and me.

5.  We always enjoy walking with our children grandchildren and granddogs.  This week we have had a few opportunities to get out and walk with them.  Yesterday, we walked 4.25 miles on part of the TJ Evans Trail which weaves along the local stream, Raccoon Creek.  The weather was perfect.  The scenery was joyous.  The puppies behaved.

Bonus:  there are always fascinating barns everywhere!

Note the hawk flying in sky

NOTE:  if you didn't see the post I wrote about my fair isle sweater, you will find it just below this post.


Sandi said...

An Amish life sounds very appealing!

Barbara H. said...

We've had a lot of rain this spring, so a day of sunshine really stands out to me just now. How fun to live so near the Amish and be able to drive over. I'm glad your bees are doing so well and you got to get together with your friends. That sweater is lovely.

Wendy said...

I'm so impressed with you keeping bees and your jumper is fantastic. Spending time with Grandkids is always good. Have a good weekend.

Faith said...

We had a lot of rain the first week of April but have been enjoying beautiful sunny Spring temps all week here in eastern NY! It's so beautiful with all the blooms and green.

LOVE the Amish. We have lots of Amish in central NY my childhood hometown area.

I always love photos of old barns and old churches.

How fun to get out and do a good long walk with your children and grands.

Have a wonderful weekend!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Sounds like a wonderful week and happy times. The trip to Amish Country I know was delightful. We used to live near that area and actually lived on a road where the Amish farms were. I always enjoyed hearing the horse and buggies come clip clopping down the road in front of our house. Such a beautiful place to live, like being in a time warp. Always made we wish I could live like that until I realized just how hard it really would be. Not sure I'm cut out for all of the restrictions that they must endure, but still I love the "simpler lifestyle", (except for all the hard work involved to make it simpler!) I do love your beautiful sweater! It truly is lovely. I love old barns too. Such wonderful photos! Have a lovely week.

Karen said...

I must have missed when you wrote about your bees, I didn't realize you had some. It sounds so fascinating to me, but also a bit scary to tend to them! I'm sure there's a learning curve.

Your photos remind me of where my son and his family live in Wisconsin. They are near Amish country and in a rural area with lots of barns! I love driving through the countryside, seeing the open fields, and the horses and buggies, too!

Your sweater is beautiful!

Melanie said...

Your sweater is beautiful! I love the colors.

One year I visited a friend, and we went to a restaurant in Amish country. There was an Amish buggy sitting in the next parking lot. There is an Amish community in Sarasota, FL near where I used to live but I never got to it. It's not an old-order community - more progressive, I understand.
It must be very interesting to keep bees. I have a dulcimer friend who keeps bees and she's often posting her adventures on Face Book.
Hope you have a great weekend.

ellen b. said...

Amish country is fun to visit. Their stores that have everything in bulk are so interesting.
Glad you found what you needed. We are zooming into May! Happy weekend to you.

Susan said...

That is nice that you have a beehive. I like fresh honey and I get some at the local farmer's market. Your sweater came out so nice! I have only knit scarves. Most of my yarn is used for craft purposes. I am feeling better now and was able to walk a mile. Happy Sunday!

Ginny Hartzler said...

Hi Willow! What lovely photos! My favorite is the emerald green plowing one. I have never heard of this store, but it has the same name as our pastor. How cool to capture a hawk in flight!!

nikkipolani said...

Yes, that glorious green only in spring. So glad you and your friends got to reconvene your coffee visits (and that they are well!).

Your family (dogs included) time together sounds idyllic.

Teresa said...

I love reading your blog! We go to Amish country every few months (I take my mom and dad as they don't get out much) and we always stop at Pearl Valley for cheese, eat at Der Dutchman in Walnut Creek, and visit the orchard there, and I never miss a visit to the Magic Shop! (and I don't think you live too far from me--I'm in Zanesville) :)

Susanne said...

Love the pics of the Amish countryside. It must be so interesting driving through there. It's been very cold here all week with rain and wet snow. Last year on this date it was 78.8*F on this date and today it will only get to 41*F if we are lucky. It's such a blessing to have encouraging friends and to meet regularly with them.