Friday, April 19, 2024

Mid April Faves

It's Friday afternoon.  The sun is peeking out from behind grey rain clouds.  It's time to pause in my week and focus on some good things from my week.  Some weeks are momentous and some weeks are just normal.  This one has been mostly normal.  And I'm thankful for that.  Here are five fairly normal things for which I am thankful this week.  My Friday Fave Fives:

1.  We've had a weather wild week.  Fortunately, as far as we can tell, nothing broke, fell over or flooded.  I am definitely thankful for safety in wild weather.

2.   Garden started.  This week, I tempted the temperatures and planted my tomato, spinach, and kale starts in the garden.  Then I added basil, marigolds and cilantro from the local nursery.  We did have those very strong wind/rain/thunderstorms, but the plants have declared, "We're not dead, yet!"  Hopefully, everything will survive and thrive.

3.  On Tuesday, we drove an hour north and met our friends who drove an hour south to meet in the middle for lunch.  We always enjoy our time with them as our friendship goes back more than two decades from when we attended the same church, and she and I worked at the same Christian school (different campuses).

4.  Another fun thing about driving to meet them is that we took a 'scenic alternate route' and enjoyed seeing another section of our new to us state.  And there were barns to photograph!

a fancy red barn

two old faded red barns

a falling down barn

5.  Last night, I finished the Fair Isle sweater that I've been knitting.  My handspun yarn, hand dyed by me, and now knitted into a sweater.  I am hoping to get some photos taken soon.

And that's a wrap on this week.


Tom said...

1. Spring is a tug-a-war between winter and summer. Change is normal.
2. Here it's too early to plant most things out door.
3. Old friends are special.
4. I try to always take the scenic alternate route. Barns are like people, they are all different.
5. I'm not that talented.

Anonymous said...

I can’t wait to see pics of the new sweater! Love alternate routes. Your barn photos are always fun. You must have quite a collection of them now. Mary

Barbara H. said...

I'm glad everything was ok in the wild weather and you've got a good start to your garden. How good to meet with old friends and enjoy the scenic views. I love Fair Isle knits.

ellen b. said...

We took an alternate route this week on our way to Costco. it was fun. Glad your starts survived your fickle Spring weather. We have sunshine but have had 2 morning this week below freezing! Happy weekend to you.

nikkipolani said...

So glad you have survived that wild weather as did your garden starts. I neeed your secret to growing marigold. Every six-pack I've planted, every seed I've sown... nada.

Always a fave to meet up with friends, isn't it? Plus pretty things to look at there and back.

And normal is such a blessing.

Melanie said...

I'm glad you came through that wild weather! I want to try to grow some flowers in pots this summer. I need ones that are hearty and can stand full afternoon sun. Maybe I'll try marigolds.

I'm excited to see your completed Fair Isle sweater. While my daughter was here visiting, she helped me unravel a mess. There's a photo on my blog! We did that instead of knitting.

What a wonderful opportunity to visit with friends, and that they were able to meet you half way.

Have a lovely weekend.

Sandi said...

That is a beautiful red barn!

Faith said...

I actually love the ups and downs of Spring. Today is partly sunny here even though the weather girl predicted rain. I'll take sun! Yesterday was cloudy with patches of sun and then rain...and then in the northeast is never boring regarding weather!

I hope your plants thrive. I JUST this week planted basil seeds but have them in the house right now. And I planted outdoors in a deck container, some wild flower seeds we received as a wedding favor last summer. DOn't know if they'll take but...maybe...I LOVE wildflowers. They tend to attract butterflies.

I love seeing photos of your barns! they're all wonderful. I've been wanting to photograph old churches that I see in the mountains or back in my hometown area...i have quite a few...i just need to get them organized into a folder on this laptop!

How fun to meet up with old friends for lunch. I'm glad you had a good week!!

Susan said...

That is nice that you could meet up with your friends. The scenic route is always nice. We took the scenic route to Salinas from Riverside Co. I love looking at the barns. My husband tried a garden once, but it was too hot that summer and he did not give the plants enough growing space. Enjoy your gardening!

Ingrid said...

Meeting friends is always nice ! Unfortunately at my age they all disappear, that's life ! We had a roller coaster weather rain wind, wind rain the sun seems to have disappeared from the universe ! Or he is on strike ! We are all longing to walk or sit in our beautiful park, but with an umbrella and fur coat it's not so funny !

Susanne said...

What a great solution to meet in the middle to have lunch with friends who live a distance away. Love the pics of the barns. Glad you were safe and nothing was damaged in the crazy weather. We had insane wind here on Sunday gusting so bad that when I opened the bathroom with a bit to let the moisture out after my shower it sounded like there was a helicopter landing in the room. I am thankful too that everything stayed safe and sound.

Debby@Just Breathe said...

Sounds like a great April for you. I love the photos of the barns. They are a favorite of mine. Thanks for stopping over.