Friday, May 17, 2024

Faves of Mid May

 Unfortunately,  I still have no access to photos and so what I  share will be all words.  Here are my Friday Fave Fives for this mid May week.  I still haven't figured out how to make a link on my tablet, but you can go to to join us.

1.  Obviously, Mother's Day was wonderful. Phone calls. Texts. Dinner. Cards. I was blessed with a wonderful mother. And I have two daughters and a daughter-in-law who are mothers.  Truly, I am blessed.

2.  Our beekeeper guy came to check on the bee hive and take the honeycombs home with him. On Tuesday morning he returned with our first batch of honey!  Oh I wish you could see it! Ten pint jars and five quart jars of liquid gold! All from our little back garden hive!  And it tastes marvelous!

3.  Gardens. Our wildflower garden is blooming.  Red. Purple. White. Pink. Orange. Yellow. I wish I could share a photo of them.  And the vegetable garden is beginning to show signs of progress. Mostly green shoots of cucumbers, snap peas,  lettuce, kale and spinach.  The tomatoes and peppers are growing too.

4.  We had our wedding rings resized because ours no longer fit our fingers.  This week they were finished and we picked them up.  I love being able to wear my ring again.

5. Our garage walls are done! They look great! Now to put all.  the. stuff. back where it belongs. I am thankful for a good and careful and honest handyman.

Extra!  The boys' Trail Life Troup did an outing on Tuesday night. While they all walked through a local preserve playing disc golf, I took off on my own and hiked in the light rain and tromped through the mud. It was so much fun!

So those are my five blessings from this week. I hope you were able to get through all the reading with no pictures.  How about you? Did you have a week of blessings?

Not the trail I was on... but paths near Canterbury, England along Via Francigena (taken in April 2022).


Tom said... are ahead of me, I just planted tomato plants this morning.

Cathy said...

Sounds like a great week with lots of good things to be thankful for.

Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi Linda. So glad that you had a nice Mother's Day and felt the love from your family. It's great that your garden is doing well. I planted six tomato plants but haven't put any seeds in the ground yet. I am hoping to do that this weekend. It's always nice to get a home improvement project finished and having the help of an honest handyman/craftsman is a real blessing. I hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Your garden/bees/honey all sounds so wonderful! You are truly blessed! Sounds like you had a wonderful Mother's Day too. I must've missed the posts about the garage walls, but glad they are done to your liking! Always good when something is finished and you like it! And I know you are happy to have your wedding rings back. That is something really special. Have a lovely weekend. I enjoyed reading even without the pictures.

Faith said...

OOOH I LOVE buying local honey. I so wish you lived closer cause I would buy a jar from you. I use a drizzle of it in my coffee when the real maple syrup runs out. We also use honey to bake with. We no longer use refined white sugar.

The garden sounds wonderful. My basil is up and steadily growing. I'm going to make my own pesto this summer. I THINK. hahaha I'm not super domestic other than with being a neat freak and good at cooking/baking. But stuff like canning or homemade sauces is trickier.....

yay for good, honest handymen!

I hope you have a great weekend.

Melanie said...

Wow, your honey sounds wonderful! I've been fascinated with bee keeping but I don't think I could do it. I started using honey frequently instead of sugar. Better for you.
I'm glad to hear you had a nice Mother's Day.
I live in an apartment complex and no place to plant but I'm thinking of trying a couple of potted plants this year.
Have a great weekend!

ellen b. said...

Wow! What a wonderful yield of honey. We have a few friends here that we buy honey from. Love the sound of a wildflower garden. Happy belated Mother's day to you. We celebrated with our 'Coast' kids last night with a dinner out. Lovely. Have a great Saturday!

nikkipolani said...

Y'know, blogs used to be just words... but we hope your computer woes will be resolved soon.

You are blessed indeed. In chatting with friends last Sunday, I realized how much many of them survived difficult moms. I'm certainly thankful for mine.

How did I miss that you are keeping bees! That is so lovely to have someone process your honey for you. Did you get to save the wax to make candles?

Can't wait to see your wildflower garden. And your vegetable garden too! Glad to know your ankle is healed enough so that you can do all the tromping you like.

Congratulations on the garage wall project! Sorting the garage seems a never-ending task. Why is that, I wonder??

Susanne said...

Local honey is the best! Don't know if I could ever have a hive in my yard but I buy from local producers. You are blessed indeed in the Mother department. Your garden, both flower and veg, sounds wonderful. Look forward to when you can post the pictures!