Friday, October 18, 2024

Another Busy But Blessed Week

Hello to Friday Fave Fives for the Third Week in October 2024.  It's been another busy week.  But now I am finally home from dropping The Professor and Tall Boy and Warrior Boy at their location for a Trail Life Campout.  Their troop is on parking duty for all the troops arriving from several states surrounding Ohio.  It's the biggest event of the year, and they are all looking forward to a great weekend.  Now I'm home alone with my books and yarn.  Happy time for me, too.  So now I have a few minutes to focus on how God has blessed me this past week with mostly small things.  Susanne is our host over at Living to Tell the Story.

Younger Daughter and I found a new local knit shop!  Before this cute shop The Yarnologist opened, we had to drive into west Columbus to visit a shop with quality yarns.  On Saturday we dragged The Professor and her fourteen year old son (at his request) there.  The guys found a new coffee shop! (Does this make it TWO faves in one?)  I might have bought a bit of yarn...   Since we loved that new coffee shop, we invited T and S to have our coffee time there this week.  All agree-- it was great, and T declared that Leonard's has the best breakfast sandwich.

Our area has had a fire ban imposed for a couple of months.  We were really missing our family bonfires.  Finally, last week it was lifted!  Yes, we had a bonfire!

Walks on the county paths are always a fave with us, especially in the autumn when the leaves are turning all the fall colors.  We walked with Younger Daughter and her dogs.  The weather was great in the morning while we were out.  Fortunately, we made it home before the rain and hail started.

yes, we had hail (after we were home from the walk, fortunately)

A local young woman is a professional harpist.  Olivia Claggett often plays at banquets and fundraisers in the community.  On Sunday afternoon she performed at a local church.  She rotated around playing four harps.  Her sisters also sang with her.  It was amazing.

Then last night, we attended a banquet for Nightbirde Foundation.  If that name Nightbirde sounds familiar... yes, Nightbirde was a contestant on America's Got Talent and won a Gold Buzzer for the season for her performance of It's OK even as she was battling breast cancer.  She was a local girl and attended the church we are part of.   Her family started a foundation in her memory to help women who have cancer.  What an amazing evening that was, to see the impact she still has on the world because of her bravery and strength in her battle with breast cancer.   This is the youtube link to her performance on AGT.

It was PAL's birthday this week!  I can't believe our youngest granddaughter is ten years old!  Happy Birthday, PAL!  (in case you don't know, PAL are the initials of her name which I think is awesome)

A few years ago...

Arizona Girl catching her first snowflakes

Bonus!  This week, I celebrated nineteen years of blogging!  I can't believe it.  My first post was October 12, 2005.  Things have changed A LOT since then.  Four homes, two states, four grandchildren.  And a whole lot else.  Happy Birthday to Willow's Cottage!  Do you want to read my very first post?  Here's the LINK.  My reference to 'inner city' is Los Angeles inner city where we were living at the time.  The next few posts are focused on what things were like living there.


Deb J. in Utah said...

Hi! Nineteen years of blogging! Congratulations. I started my blog just about this time of year (right before Halloween) in 2007 so about 17 years for me (if my math is correct)! I love the pictures in this post - and that lovely walking trail looks like the perfect place for a little exercise. I hope you have a great weekend. See you again soon!

Tom said..., compared to you, I'm a newbie! I wish you an awesome autumn weekend.

Susan said...

19 years at one blog is great. I started blogging in 2002, but actually longer, when I started my first website in 1999 through Yahoo Geocities. I still have website linked at my blog. I am going to check out your first post. Enjoy your fall weather and trees!

Anonymous said...

This had perfect fall content: chilly walks, fires, yarn, and coffee.
Happy blog birthday. I am so thankful for following your life from a distance. It takes real commitment to carry on so long. It’s your version of your mil’s calendar. (Do you remember those?) I have a stack of journals, but I can’t see anyone wanting to read them - no pictures! lol. Mary

Willow said...

Mary, I always love reading your comments. I do remember Roberta's calendars. I wonder if anyone saved any of them.
I keep a short daily journal. How else would I remember what I did during the week??

ellen b. said...

19 years...who would of known all the things that have come out of blogging! Congrats to Willow's Cottage. I think that program the Professor helps out with the grandsons is such a worthwhile one! Sounds like you have a great plethora of coffee shops to Hooray for a yarn store close by. Happy birthday to your youngest!! Amazing how time flies with grandkids. Happy weekend to you.

Barbara Harper said...

Congratulations on 19 years of blogging! And how fun to have a little time to yourself. What lovely places to walk. I am glad you could have bonfires again. I remember Nightbirde from AGT--lovely young woman with a wonderful testimony. Happy birthday to PAL!

Wendy said...

Happy birthday to PAL and happy blog birthday to you! I think I started in about 2007 but I transitioned through Yahoo to Multiply and then on to Blogger from 2012. Ooo a local yarn shop! That could prove expensive lol. Hope you had a good weekend.

nikkipolai said...

So many new faves and an amazing anniversary. I love the time-lapsed version of all that's happened in 19 years. Your views for those walks are so worth dodging rain and hail.