Friday, October 04, 2024

It's October!

Our first October Friday Fave Fives.  I love participating in this-- we choose five blessings from our week to share.  We call them our Friday Fave Fives and share them with others on Susanne's blog Living to Tell the Story.  I just checked.  This is the 806th weekly Fave Fives she has hosted!

1.  I'm a bit later than usual posting my Faves.  That's because I was out in the garden.  The edging of all the areas is finished for this time around.  Mounds of yard debris has been placed in bags ready for the waste company to pick them up on Monday.  The best part of this fave?  Tall Boy mowed the lawn.  I'm thankful for a teenage grandson who can mow our lawn for us.

2.  Yesterday our older granddaughter turned eighteen!  Pictures of ZG from homecoming a couple of weeks ago!

3.  Sometimes plans go awry but turn out different but just fine.  That happened to us on Tuesday.  We planned to have coffee with T and S at a coffee shop a bit closer into the city than usual.  We've been there a few times before and enjoyed it.  Just as we pulled onto the road where it is located, we got a text. "It's closed."  Hmmm.  OK.  What now?   We decided to drive to another coffee place, but as we passed the fruit farm, we all four just thought at the same time, "Let's just try it and see if there is coffee and snacks as well as APPLES and MORE APPLES.  We enjoyed some yummy fresh from the oven apple turnovers and I had a hot cider and the others had coffee.  Seating was different from a usual coffee shop, but the whole experience was a fun change up.  Fortunately, we are all fairly adaptable.

4.  One evening this week, I joined 4 other women to help our friend record a sample group counseling session for a class she is taking for her degree in counseling.  It was a  fun time and we discussed some good issues.  After that, we ended the evening with a yummy dinner around the table.

5.  Finally.  The photos from our trip to Ireland, England and Wales have made it onto my laptop from my camera and my phone!  It was time consuming.  But it's done and I am so thankful for The Professor who helped with a couple of glitches.  Here's a very quick glimpse.  What places and things pop up in your thoughts when someone mentions Dublin, Ireland?

St. Patrick's Cathedral

Guinness Ale 
This is a main warehouse right in the middle of the city.

Lots of pubs

Come back for more and more photos from my travels in Ireland, England and Wales last summer!


Anonymous said...

Apple orchards are at the top of my list of favorite autumn places to go. Sounds like yours was a good one.
It is a huge blessing to have a grandson mow your lawn. I speak from experience!
That’s a lovely picture of your granddaughter. These grandchildren grow up so quickly. Mary

Wendy said...

Happy birthday to your lovely granddaughter. Glad you got your pictures and computer synced. Look forward to seeing more of them. Have a good weekend.

Faith said...

your granddaughter is GORGEOUS! I LOVE her hair. Happy Birthday to her!!

LOVE the photos of Dublin. When you say Dublin i immediately think Guiness because it's hubby's fave beer. He first had it in England i believe when he was working years ago there.

I love being flexible and sounds like your day at the apple orchard turned out perfectly.

Looking forward to seeing more of your England pics.

Susan said...

Hi Willow, your granddaughter is beautiful! Happy Birthday to her! We have been apple picking at Oak Glen CA and it was fun! I try to eat apple everyday for the fiber and it goes well with my peanut butter for a late night snack. Thanks for sharing your pictures. Have a great weekend!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Happy Birthday to your beautiful granddaughter! She truly is lovely. And I love the idea of stopping for "coffee" (or cider) at the apple place! This time only comes once a year, so why not enjoy it? We don't have apple orchards down here in Florida and I really miss that. We hope to go to one in N. Georgia later this month on a little vacation. Your pictures from Dublin, etc., are great. Can't wait to see more! Have a wonderful weekend.

ellen b. said...

18 already and just gorgeous! Hey, we ate at the Stag's Head and Greg has a t-shirt from there. I'm glad your photos are finally accessible on your computer!! Happy October to you.

Barbara Harper said...

Happy birthday to your beautiful granddaughter! It's nice to have a grandson mow your lawn! The excursion to the fruit farm sounds perfect. How good to have your travel photos on the computer now.

nikkipolani said...

Such a lovely and sweet smile on your granddaughter.
Oh, an apple coffee shop sounds perfect for an autumnal outing with good friends. Good for you getting all those garden chores done and with Tall Boy help, as well.