Friday, October 11, 2024

Falling Leaves and Five Faves

Good Morning!  It's Friday, the second one in October.  It's time to reflect back on the week and choose five things/events that blessed me.  Here are my Friday Fave Fives for the week. (If you've been here before, you know the link send you to Susanne's blog)

1.  Sunny days.  Finally, we are able to be outside doing all the chores in our garden.  While we are still picking cherry tomatoes (yum!), kale and carrots, I have put the rest of the veggie garden to bed.  Other jobs such as cutting back bushes that overgrew during all the hot weather and then many rain days are getting done.

2.  I'm thankful that I have a strong teenage grandson who is willing to help with the heavy chores (for food and more food and a small bit of cash).  We are putting in a water catchment barrel to help with watering the garden.  It's a BIG job, almost finished, thanks to his help.

3.  On the weekend, we were able to drive to a neighboring town and then into the country a bit to pick up a baby native tree to plant in our front yard where we had taken out an aggressive species tree.  This nursery that specializes in native plants is only open one or two days a week, so we arranged our schedule to go and get a little sprout.  Hopefully, that tree will be planted today with help from Tall Boy.

 4.  An added fave to that is we found a sweet little local coffee shop.  The coffee and pastries were excellent.  In fact, we will be doing our usual weekly coffee date with T and S there next week.

5.  These sunny days have also allowed us the weather to walk on several walks on the local trails.  On Sunday, our daughters collected the three dogs and managed to corral the younger teenage grandson (Warrior Boy) and we walked a couple of miles under the trees with all the changing leaves.

Bonus:  I finally finished this 'formal dress' for PAL's (my youngest grandchild) bunny.  She requested a grey formal dress with ruffles.  It took a l-o-n-g time to figure out the ruffles without a pattern.  But it's done and will be on its way to Arizona soon.  Eleanor enjoyed being the model.


Monica said...

Yes, I remember those years of gardening. Fall was a bitter sweet time of year for me. I loved the fresh produce from the garden and putting it up for the family to enjoy later in the winter. Now that I have been away from gardening for a bit I don't really miss all the work that was involved! LOL! So glad you have a strong young man to help you out! Could have used one myself digging these holes for my shrubs... finally done! :) I hope now the garden is done you enjoy those beautiful walks on the trails.
Love the little dress for your grand daughter's bunny! So cute and you are so talented!
Thanks for sharing you favorites from the week with us! Have a great weekend!

Tom said...

...your granddaughter is fortunate to have a craft grandmother able to make a formal dress! With Christmas and my December birthday coming, I've told my family I don't want any material gifts. But help with tasks will be gratefully welcomed.

Willow said...

Yes, Tom! Exactly! I don't need more stuff, except plants and fiber ;) Time is more precious.

Susan said...

Hi Willow, that bunny is so cute! Our grandson is so busy but will help when we can both meet up. So, what tree will you be planting? We have a large pepper tree in our front yard. It needs a trim. Have a great weekend!

Jennifer said...

What a sweet dress and won't it make that youngest grand just the happiest one! Oh to have such talent! What a wonderful walk you had...the leaves are really changing! And hooray for discovering new local coffee shops. My favorite!!

Pamela M. Steiner said...

Oh what a precious little dress! That would certainly delight any little girl's heart! And I love the idea of the walk with the family and dogs enjoying the autumn leaves! What a delightful day that must have been! And the little coffee shop sounds so nice, especially when shared with friends. Having strong grandsons around is a real bonus! Wow! What a blessing! I have to ask our strong sons to help us with hard jobs, but they are getting older too and our only grandson is 1500 miles away! So yes, enjoy having that wonderful labor pool while it lasts!! You are blessed!! I enjoyed your post. Thank you. After a week of dealing with hurricane stress, it was refreshing to come here. Thankfully, we did not suffer any damage or lose power...just a lot of raking of limbs, etc., to take care of, but still, the whole event was stressful. So many people are suffering now here in Florida as well as in the Carolinas, etc., so we sometimes forget that there is wonderful beauty elsewhere and that better days are ahead for us all. Thank you for this wonderful thought!! Have a lovely weekend.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

Oh my goodness the formal dress is so cute! You are very talented! I have a sweet little coffee shop that I stop at on my way to work once or twice a week. They have the best pastries. It's nice to get to know the people there a little bit and have a bit of friendly conversation.

ellen b. said...

Beautiful autumn trail to walk on! Love the formal dress with ruffles. I need a tall boy!! Happy Autumn day to you!

Melanie said...

What a blessing to have strong sons and grandsons for those heavy jobs. I wish I could garden where I live but can't. So I enjoy locally grown produce.

That formal dress is adorable! The ruffle looks complicated but so pretty.
I love finding new coffee shops. I may have to pass up on the pastries but I'd certainly enjoy the coffee and conversation.
Have a lovely weekend.

Barbara Harper said...

My husband has done a lot of bush trimming this week, too. He only planted one package of tomato seeds, and the produce has been small but plentiful. It's nice to have strong and willing grandsons to help with yard work. What a beautiful view for our walk! And that dress is just adorable.

Faith said...

Sunny days and walks on leaf strewn paths and a new coffee shop!! Love these blessings.
The formal dress on bunny is adorable!!
YAY for a grandson who is willing to help out with some chores. You are blessed indeed. I hope to have grands one day.

Anonymous said...

How nice to have a grandson who is willing and able. And it’s such a great way to spend time together.
The dress is adorable! Your little granddaughter will be so happy.
And a new coffee shop is something to be happy about. I love finding those.
I wish I could walk down the trail in your beautiful fall photo.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the sweet bunny dress. Why am I not surprised that you were able to figure out the ruffles? Mary

nikkipolani said...

While you've put your kale to bed, I've just sown some seeds. We'll see how they do in our "winter". How timely to get just enough sun to get your garden tidied. I hope you'll detail more about the catchment -- are you funneling water from eaves or is the big job around running lines?

How nice to get to trade out an aggressive tree for a native one. Hope it'll do well. I'm guessing it will do well with some time to settle in before your winter.

I wasn't sure what to picture when you said "formal" but love the sleeves and ruffles. Well done modeling, Eleanor!

Willow said...

When it comes to PAL's imagination, I'm not always too sure, either. Her request was for a grey formal dress (ball gown?) with ruffles. Now, it's on to the black mourning dress (I'm not even going to guess who will die...}

Gattina said...

You have already autumn here everything is still green ! The bunny looks very chic in his new dress ! Congratulations ! well done !

Wendy said...

You had a busy week but glad you found time to finish that cute dress for your granddaughter. I'd be hopeless without a pattern. I had to laugh at her next request you mentioned above. Have a good week.