Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Off To Ireland: Part 3

 Are you ready for it?  Random photos of buildings in Dublin.  If I know the place, I'll name it.  But because we were often in a bus being driven around the city, I didn't always have an opportunity to identify the buildings.

Who knew there is an Irish Rock and Roll Museum?

Everywhere we traveled in Ireland, we would notice references to the Irish Revolution or Irish Republic.  These people are very proud of their independence.

Another small church tucked in between larger and newer structures.

Dubliners like to decorate their buildings with images.  It is good to know how well protected the city is.

A rather large church.  Note the arched gate on the right which extends over the street.  Is there a walkway or room up there?

Wellington Monument.  In a large park near the Dublin Zoo.

This statue graced the pond in the park near our hotel.

We found a bookstore!  Eleanor was so excited!  Yes, I bought a book.

Maybe my favorite building in Dublin.  Saved for last.  Collins Barracks.  Home now of a couple of museums (National Museum of Decorative Arts and History), but it used to be a military barracks.

Because Collins Barracks was just a few blocks down the street from our hotel, we walked over and enjoyed coffee and pastries provided by this adorable coffee cart in the parade ground plaza.

Isn't this an adorable seagull?  Looking so sweet and innocent as it wanders around the parade ground of the barracks?  Don't be fooled.  It's an evil thief!  In the two seconds when we had our backs turned to our snacks and picked up a blown away napkin, this opportunist winged devil grabbed our goodies and flew off a few yards and ATE them.  Beware of pickpockets!

How can I leave such a lovely city with so many beautiful buildings large and small?



Tom said...

...I would enjoy this trip to see the architecture! Thanks for taking me along to see the sights.

Monica said...

What a beautiful trip! I would love to go through those churches! any old building really. LOL! the seagull!!! looks innocent enough.