Tuesday, December 31, 2019

A New Year!

2020.  It's a new year.   It's new goals.  Every year I choose a word to focus my thoughts and goals.  Some years the word chooses me.  So it was for 2020.  A friend gave me a drink container with a lid and straw.  I like to use those for drinking my water every day.  This one is special because it says TRUST several times in a ring around the top of it.  I looked at it and it hit me.  That's my word for 2020.  TRUST.  Trust God with my future and where our new moving adventure will take us.

My 2020 goals include:
1.  Making the move to live near our daughters.  This involves selling our house and TRUSTING God for the timing.
2.  Like last year, I want to improve my gardening and herb growing skills.  I'll be learning about a whole new climate for growing.
3.  I noticed that this past year I was posting less often on my blog.  I am hoping to increase my posts this coming year--at least two posts a week.
4.  The Professor is planning a couple of trips for 2020.  More on that later.
5.  Again, this year I want to continue reading through the Chronological Bible.  I didn't finish in 2019, but maybe I can get it done in 2020.
6.  The never ending attempts to knit and weave my yarn stash down continues.
7.  Another continuing goal is my health--eating healthfully and exercising regularly are two great ways to maintain health.
8.  This final goal is most likely to be my hardest one to maintain.  I want to learn more about sketching and watercolor painting.  A friend has challenged me to 'just do it'.  Draw something every day!

Do you make goals (I won't call them resolutions!) or choose a word for your year?  Please share!

Happy New Year!


Deb J. in Utah said...

I love these goals! I am now wondering where you are moving. Are you leaving California? God bless you with success and happiness. We did this very thing when we moved up to Utah from Arizona. I hope things go smoothly for you. Trust is a wonderful word for the year. I will look forward to visiting your blog more often as you post more in 2020! Happy New Year!

ellen b. said...

Happy New Year! So far the goal I'm following through with is taking my vitamin d3 every day. It's just the 1st, though, and am under the weather so maybe when I feel better I'll get after it. Your goals look good.

Faith said...

I have a list of goals too this year but haven't turned them into a post yet. That will be later on today.

LOVE your goals!! and I had "Trust" as one of my words a couple years back. My word this year is THRIVE. I already wrote my post about it.

You will love living in the Northeast...at least I do!! then again it's all I've really known. Although I DID live for one week in Missouri and NO it wasn't a vacation. that's a whole other story!!!!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

Happy New Year! I don't make a specific list of resolutions but I do think about what I hope for the new year and set some goals in mind I hope to achieve. I always seem to hope to be more active and also read more -- sounds like I will need to get back to the gym and bring a book to read while on the stationary bike! Smile.
I hope your house sells quickly and your move goes well! As you know we did the same from NY to CO. I wrote a little message to you about it on your instagram. You will love living closer to some of your grandchildren!

Wendy said...

I like your word and your list looks manageable. Will follow your progress and hope that things like the move go smoothly. I have a list of aims too. I've tried to make them more specific than last year's which were a bit too vague in cases. Happy New Year.

Meredith said...

I think those are wonderful goals for 2020! Happy New Year.

Bryant Lisa said...

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