Anna and William, those little twins--I knew they were up to something last week! They were sitting out of sight of Eleanor Elizabeth and whispering. Anna was saying something funny to William, and William was laughing and hiding behind his ears.
"Mama!" they called. "Mama, we heard 'bout an adoption program for bunnies wanting to immigrate to Can'da. Can'da sounds like a really fun place to live. Can we go? Please, Mama, please?"

I thought about it for awhile and finally agreed. After all, they are of age and they are such very GOOD bunnies. And they're twins and ALWAYS do everything together. I knew William would be responsible and take care of his sistertwin, she who has a little tendency to run off too fast for lettuce or carrots or some falling leaf. I had a long talk with them about their manners and about COLD weather (that's ok, Mama, they said, after all, we have fur, they said) and about people who say, "Eh?" in Can'da.
Anyway, off they ran to
Lovella's farm. They took a few days and we, Lovella and I, think they might have taken a little detour somewhere, a little side trip somewhere, a quick detour around Oregon or Washington, maybe. They did arrive and like the GOOD bunnies they are, they called right away to let me know they are safe and they LOVE their new home and the FARM and their new friends. They even think Can'da's cold weather is fun. "Water falls from the sky, Mama! It's really crazy. Like taking a shower outside."
Eleanor and Edward miss them terribly. I'm certain there will be many phone calls and letters and emails. But we all wish them well and know they will love being Canadians, eh?