1. When The Professor had to drive home on Friday to lead the weekly Bible Study, I stayed behind in San Diego to help with MamaMia's Moving Day. The reward was a train trip home on Sunday morning! Amtrak's Surf Liner route took me along the Pacific Ocean.

2. I hadn't seen the New Boy much for a week. It was fun to watch him watch his favorite soap channel.

3. I have reconnected with a very dear college friend. Her daughter found me via facebook and contacted me. The emails have been flying back and forth between Michigan and California! We have discovered that we are both 'still knitting'.
4. Lying low with a cold can have unexpected good results. The Professor took over the cooking this week. Barbecued salmon with garlic mashed potatoes, green beans and salad. Tortellini with homemade marinara sauce. Taco salad. He's a good cook!
5. Another benefit of illness: I didn't feel like doing much after working, tutoring, and walking with Ellen, so I sat around every evening and READ. I finished two great books. Sanna and the Dragons by my friend and fellow knitter Roxanna Matthews. Wrenn- Egypt House by Alice Lynn, a writer friend of Roxie's. I really want to tell you about these two books in another post. I loved them both!
To enjoy others' Fave Five lists, visit Living To Tell The Story.
I was the same way the first time I saw a machine...& I wasn't a toddler then!
Ok you crack me up "his favorite soap channel"
Hmm, that cooking really does sound good.
Hope you are well on the mend.
Have a good weekend and see you on Monday..
I love his soap channel! I like your husband's menu ideas. I think it's time to get me some salmon! Are you better now? I hope so.
Ok..its so funny with the new handsome boy and the new chanell...your have a wonderful way with words :D
We all have colds at our house too this week. Yuck!
Your boy is growing so fast! What a sweetie.
I'm looking forward to hearing about your books - I need a good one to read.
Great list!
Awww. I'm sorry you've been sick, but it does sound like your husband is taking food care of you. I'm also happy to see that Eleanor is still getting to travel a bit. It's important for her cultural development:)
Look at new boy and his favorite-viewing channel--LOL! What a sweetie-pie he is... That menu sounds great...And what joy you've found an old friend. Hope you'll be able to keep in touch and not lose each other again. :o) Happy weekend...see you next week! ((HUGS))
Hi EWillow, Thanks for stopping by my blog. #2 too cute, new boy and the caption. Walking is great exercise, best of luck to you and Ellen. P.S. This is the link to my fitness blog if you want to see the before and after pictures .
What a beautiful train ride!
I had a cold the past week or two also, unfortunately my hub had it too. Honestly I don't think he could cook anyway. Consider yourself blessed :)!
In spite of your not feeling well, it sounds like you had a wonderful week! How nice that your dh cooked for you! And a train trip, reading, spending time with your grand boy and connecting with an old friend sounds marvelous!
Thanks for visiting my blog. You really should read the Mitford novels. I was just telling someone that I wished I could live in Mitford!
God bless!
That picture of your wee boy is sweet! My "practise" grandboy loves to watch himself in the mirror :)
I'm going to look up those titles - I always love to hear new titles!
Glad to hear you got your daughter settled in her new place - and thanks for the surf picture. I'm experiencing beach withdrawal :)
Hope your cold is better soon.
Aaah, to not cook AND enjoy a great book--that is something to celebrate!
Hope you feel back to your old self soon!
Thanks for stopping by!
That train ride sounds wonderful. I love looking at the ocean!
Enjoyed your continued pictures of the garden.
Wow, I'm out of the internet loop for a week and you do mega amounts of posts! :o) Glad that you had a nice train ride home and that you had lots of TLC from Daddy. Thanks again for all of your help!!!
Hi friend.. Nice post.. Visit my blog and post your comments.. I have added you to my blog roll.. Hope you too will do the same.. Take care... Keep in touch mate!!!
Oh dear, the little one is not so little any more...
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