Tuesday, July 21, 2009

We Went To A Baseball Game

Take me out to the ball game!
Take me out to the crowd!

Buy me some peanuts and crackerjacks,
(umm, ice cream and cotton candy for me, please)

I don't care if I never get back!
Root, root, root for the home team,
(well, actually, I'm a Dodgers fan...)

If they don't win, it's a shame.
(Sadly, the Padres lost)

For it's ONE, TWO...

THREE strikes! You're OUT!



Anonymous said...

How clever you were with this. I love it. Great pictures :)

ellen b. said...

Fun shots to go with the great American classic! :0)
It is hot up here!!

Mama Mia said...

Love the cotton candy picture! And maybe it's sad that the Padres lost, but not at all surprising! :oP

Sharon Lynne said...

Looks like you had a fun day. Good photos!

Barbara said...

Yes lots of restrictions and nothing can be done without planning permission. Even with th ings like double glazing. Windows cannot be changed so secondry glazing has to be installed on the inside. Same with the cottage we stayed in.

Anonymous said...

The field looks full of enthusiasm & the spirit of the players to win the game.

Free Direct TV

Deb said...

I am not a huge baseball fan BUT when we do go to Fenway to watch the Red Sox I love the atomosphere - the excitement, the fans, the food, the crack of the bat, the energy, the colors...much better up close and personal rather than watching it on a TV screen. And I love the song...creative post!

Tracy said...

Such fun, Willow! Nothing quite like the anticipation and excitement of a live baseball game! Must have cotton candy...mmm...Happy Day ((HUGS))

Anonymous said...

It looks like you had a wonderful day Pat.

roxie said...

Oh, you are having sooo much fun!

Jane said...

Great photos, The game looks fun too. Jane x

Islandsparrow said...

This would be a dream come true for my dh - I would come along to keep him company :) and of course for the cotton candy and ice cream :)

Knitting Linguist said...

I like your version of the song! :)

Mr Puffy's Knitting Blog: said...

What a fun post! I haven't been to a baseball game since I was in Chicago ~ what a blast. Thanks for singing to us :)

Flower said...

Ahh...baseball!! It's a happy place to be....at a game!!

Unknown said...

How interesting :P Happy weekend Kak Willow...hugs/M

Thoughts on Life and Millinery. said...

Miss the San Diego Chicken, but the little Padre guy is pretty cute too.

Unknown said...

Those are GREAT pictures and really capture the fun of the game. I like how you put the song in there with the pictures!

Pat @ Mille Fiori Favoriti said...

I've seen to the San Diego ballpark! Nice place ...but it was filled with LA Dodger fans the day we went so it was hard to cheer fro the home team...lol!