Spring is a beautiful season here in Southern California. Everything is blooming and most of the grasses on the hillsides are still green. The sun is shining gently (after a very hot few days last week). I have one more week of classes. It's all good. Here are Five Faves for Friday. Thanks to Susanne for leading Friday Fave Fives.
1. Sunday was an event packed day. One of our afternoon activities was the Annual Camarillo Hospice Garden Tour. Every spring I love to visit the different featured gardens of our community. This year there were the usual five gardens, but it seemed like this time more emphasis was put on water wise plants with minimum lawns and drought resistant gardens.
2. My favorite photo
3. Sometimes the garden accents are as lovely as the plants.
4. This week I've been noticing the spring flowers planted in my California native garden. They make me smile. Evidently you can't take too many photos of blooming flowers.
Orange and Cream California Poppies
When the cream colored poppies voluntarily planted themselves in my garden a few years ago, I did the research, and, yes, they are indeed native to California.
Hummingbird Sage
Lance Leaf Coreopsis
These plants grew last year but didn't produce any blooms. This spring they're making up for it!
Wild Yarrow
5. Since returning from my long road trip, I haven't done much knitting. After finishing a fun green cabled slouch hat and a pair of striped socks (hmmm, no photos...must remedy that...), I decided to start back slowly with a black and white striped men's cap. Truly, the knitting never completely stops. And it's one of the abiding joys of my life. Did you know it's also good for you? (Except--the woman in the photo at the top of the article is
Finally, I want to share with you a photo and an article about the horrific situation in Africa about which I'm sure you already are aware. How can the abduction of 276 girls in Nigeria be a fave? It's not. But I will use whatever means I have to bring awareness and to help rescue them.

Last Friday I mentioned writing a post about our experience in Houston. I did that on Tuesday. Here's the link, or you can scroll down to read it.
When I first heard the news of those girls I just wept. Our world is just a mess and all I can think is " come quickly Lord Jesus". On a happier note, I too wrote about spring blooms although mine aren't nearly as vibrant as yours out in CA! Sounds like you are back to a good routine. Enjoy the weekend!!
Wonderful images, Willow... my fave is the pink poppy-like flowers too! ;o) And no, there's never enough of spring photo! There seems to be an innate need to document the unfolding of spring and summer, doesn't there?! LOL... I've been seeing several articles recently on all the health benefits of knitting & crochet. Good to know that my yarn addictions & doings not only are joyful, but might help me ward off dementia! ;o) What's happening in Nigeria is heartbreaking... *prayers* for those girls... Happy Days ((HUGS))
It really is hard to believe that that many girls can be taken away like that. Such evil. I can't imagine how their parents' hearts are breaking.
Love you blooms!
I can always count on you to post beautiful photos of your flowers! I did read your last post-- I guess I was so shocked by it all, I forgot to leave a comment! I've been to Houston a couple times-- to visit Rice U. when my boyfriend was there and also stayed with his grandma and visited the downtown area. Now, this was 25 years ago. I thought it was a nice place. It would be a real shame if this is what has become of it. I have a feeling that trafficking is a lot more prevalent than any of us suspect. I'm glad you called the police. Well, I hope you have a good weekend! Post more knitting photos!! ;)
I can't understand how this can go on and no one does anything. Praying God works a miracle, and also that those He has set in place to do something rise up and do!
Love the photos of the blooms. I think your fave is mine, too.
What pretty flowers!
When my little grandson in the NICU wears knitted caps, I think of you - I believe you said once you knitted caps for preemies.
I just read your story about Houston. I think God must have led you there with your awareness in order to call it to the attention of authorities. I would have wanted to get out of there but I don't think I would have put all the pieces together.
Loved the flowers. I see California poppies growing here in Arizona too. I want to get them started in my yard.
Thanks for posting about the situation in Nigeria. I had heard about it, but had not read about it--and that I will do. And pray.
Such wonderful photos! Spring blooms a plenty! Yes, such a tragedy that seems to be standing still at present. Thoughts and prayers are for them all. Have a lovely week! Ros
Spring can be brief here, especially among the hills, but we'll take anything we can get! Lovely flowers, Willow. What a fun outing to see local gardens.
And, yes, we are praying for those Nigerian girls and their families.
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