Thursday, July 02, 2015

Cutest. Baby. Ever. Hyperbole? Or Simple Statement of Fact?

If you are anti-baby or just bored by cute baby pictures, then this isn't the post for you.  But, it's just what my Friday Fave Fives are about this week--our adorable granddaughter.

1.  She came to visit this past week from Phoenix so we had ample opportunities to enjoy her sweet and joyful personality.  She truly is a happy and content child who wakes up from naps with a smile ready to play.

2.  Believe it or not, although we have lived for a long time in Southern California, we had never visited Santa Barbara Zoo.  So we took our PAL and her parents and auntie there on Saturday.

watching the elephants

3.  A visit to Meema and Bapa isn't complete without including books--here she is at our local independent book shop, Mrs. Fig's Book Worm.

4.  Then we made sure she had a chance to see the children's section at the university library.  Oh, and the sweetest thing happened--the librarian who of course is acquainted with The Professor--gifted PAL two children's books, one of them signed by the author!  Two books to treasure.

5.  OK, so I can't fill up the whole week with just photos of our PAL.  What other blessings were evident in my week?  I've spent time in my garden which I always love.  No photos because, well, gardens in Southern California these days are dry and sad.  Mostly I pulled weeds and clipped back dried up poppy plants.  But my lavender bush has produced some lovely blooms which I shared with two neighbors, both of whom were delighted with the fragrant bouquets.  I've finished a book--Three Weavers by Joan  Potter Loveless.  This is a biography/autobiography about three women who met and became friends in Taos, New Mexico and were drawn together by their love of weaving.  The setting (Taos), the topics (weaving, spinning, family) and the writing style made me want to revisit Taos (could I LIVE there?) and  pull out my spinning wheel and set up a tapestry loom.  Also, I've completed some knitting projects--must document and photograph them-- another shawl and an afghan.

So, that was Willow's Week.  How have you been?


Faith said...

well most of my week was getting acclimated to being home from work/school for the next 10 weeks, packing for our cape cod trip which is happening in about 2 hours.....the plan is to leave NY by 10:30 and helping my husband repaint/ rebuild the shed. sadly NYS at least here in the eastern part, had three full days of rain so that made finishing the shed impossible. of course today is gorgeous but we will be traveling!

i LOVE the photos pf your precious fun to visit the zoo and library with her...yay for exposing children to books!! Happy Independence Day to you and the prof!!

Ingrid said...

She is really cute and a zoo visit is always a very good idea ! We have a heatwave, it's terrible because we are not at all equipped for that !

Barbara H. said...

What a sweetheart! So glad you had a whole week with her and time to pursue fun things and play. That was really nice of that librarian!

Karen said...

She is precious! She's at such a fun age for outings like the zoo and library. Never too young to explore the library:)

Gracie Saylor said...

Delightful!!! So glad you had a good visit, Willow. Your choice of reading matter entices me :) I just posted about a book set in CA in the 1920's that I found especially interesting because I am familiar with some of the locations described and was drawn into the pioneering adventures. Believe it or not it is HOT and DRY here in the Portland area!

ellen b. said...

What a little sweetie she is! Glad you got a real good visit with her and the parentals! Have a great Fourth!

Dianna said...

Oh my, Willow! PAL is absolutely adorable! You've had a wonderful week with her around. :) How nice of the librarian to gift her with the two books!

It sounds as if you've had a very productive week! I've resumed working on a shawl that I am making as a Christmas gift, started a sewing project, cleaned out and reorganized some cupboards in the kitchen and worked in my flower gardens. :)

Susanne said...

Your sweet granddaughter is cute as can be! I am not surprised at all your post is full of pictures of her, how can it not be?

snoopydogknits said...

What a little cutie! You can never have too many cute baby pics. Have a great week. Ros

aspiritofsimplicity said...

she certainly is a cutie! I used to spend all kinds of time at bookstores and the library when my daughters were very small.

nikkipolani said...

With a smiley grand daughter like that, how can you resist piling all your faves on her?! Love seeing her curiosity and delight.

Melanie said...

I have to agree - "cutest baby ever!" The only ones that could be cuter are my grandbabies! *smile* Isn't it wonderful to be a grandmother?

Monica said...

I'll take all those pictures you can post! She is adorable! :) THanks for sharing her with us! Never too early for books!