Thursday, July 30, 2015

A Week Home

Finally, I am settled back in to the home routine.  I think my body has returned to Pacific time zone.  It hasn't been an exciting week of travel, but I love those quiet weeks of routine and pursuing the activities I love best.  Here is Willow's Week in Friday Fave Fives with Susanne.

1. Two days of weaving.  I spent a couple of days at my friend's home working on another rag rug like the one I wove this week last year.  The reason I know it was this week is because facebook told me so.  I wove the rug and later when the rest of the warp is used up, my friend will remove it, bind the edges and give me my rug.

2. This friend is one who challenges my thinking and I enjoy spending time with her, so the weaving was a win-win.  When I moved here, people kept telling me, "You need to meet ....... because you both love fiber arts."  We have so much more in common that it's a joy to hang out with her.

3. I finished the pink socks!  Again, these are not destined for my feet.  They're a gift.

4. I have been watching dvds at home for training I need to do for work this fall. I am learning and being reminded of important things to remember about teaching writing.  Fortunately, the speaker on the dvds is thoroughly entertaining, so I'm not bored.

5. And while I'm watching the dvds, I can spin some wool on my wheel.  Another win-win!  I love having the summer to more leisurely move through my days and do the things I love.


Faith said...

I love these leisurely summer days, too!! it is always so hard for me to get back into work mode come September 8!! and then two weeks after that, Autumn begins! I too am enjoying my fabe things to do while home.

I love that rug and someone is getting some very nice socks!!

enjoy your weekend doing the things you llve.

Tracy said...

Welcome home, Willow--both home-home, and here at your blog-home. :o) LOVELY weaving--love those sea/beach colors! And pink sock--hooray! Your viewing for work sounds informative and entertaining... and can't beat time to sneak in fiber play along with it. ;o) Happy Days ((HUGS))

nikkipolani said...

Hmmm, a week full of your favorite things, it seems :-) So good to hear you've been taught and entertained at the same time with those DVDs. Hope you'll share that rug once it is finished -- such lovely calm colors.

Anonymous said...

You must have a special destination for that lovely rug! What a good idea: to share a warp. Mary

Susanne said...

Wow, you sure have been soaking in your passion this week! Makes for a most wonderful week, doesn't it?

Susan said...

What a fiberlicious week you've had! And what a wonderful memory the rug will evoke once it is in your home.

How lovely that you've been able to "play" while being taught via DVD. I like training DVDs because I can stop them to take notes or do a chore and I can rewatch them at my leisure. Have any tips to share regarding writing?

I hope this coming week is also full of leisure and things you love to do.

Ingrid said...

Seems you had a busy week ! I would like to weave that must be nice ! Never tried it !
On Sunday I return home !

Ann said...

Love your beautiful fiber work. I like to crochet, but keep it simple (pretty much blankets and square things only). You are a true artist.

Jerralea said...

It's always great to be home! Love that you can watch DVDS for work and still use your spinning wheel.

How neat to have a friend that enjoys your same hobbies!

Barbara H. said...

Except for Monday, I should have a quiet next week, nicely sandwiched in-between two busy ones. Love those weeks at home.

How fun to have a friend to share so many interests with! And to be able to dovetail learning for your job with working with your hands.

The weaving looks very nice!

ellen b said...

It's always good to get back into the regular routines that we are used to. Have a great weekend.

aspiritofsimplicity said...

your work is just beautiful. How fun to be able to weave your own rug!!

Deb J. in Utah said...

I love the color of the socks! They are so bright and pretty. The rug is also cool. Almost time to be going back to school here - so I will shortly be going through more training on how to teach writing as well. So glad the dvds are entertaining for you. Enjoy this coming week.

Meredith said...

Can't wiat to see that rug when it is off the loom.

Karen said...

How nice to have a friend to share your passion with. I would love to connect with someone like that. Funny, but I've never really thought about it, I share a lot of interests with friends, but none of them are knitters or like to sew.