Thursday, October 12, 2017

More October

Hello!  I am writing on my new computer although I still don't have all my photos available.  Most of my files have been transferred and The Professor will most likely finish that task tomorrow.  Here I am to post my Friday Fave Fives.

1.  Safety in travel.  As we were leaving Humboldt County, we drove through California wine country. Yes, that wine country which has been burning in the fires.  We passed through the area Saturday afternoon.  Friends from the reunion last weekend had difficulty getting through the areas affected because they were traveling on Monday.  I am so sad for all the people who have lost family and homes.  So thankful we are safely home.

2. 3. 4.  Yes, we are happy to be home.  A wise proverb states that there are three great goods in life:  a comfortable bed, a hot shower and a good cup of coffee.  We are home and we have all three!

5.  Toward the end of this week (having recovered some from our trip) we decided to drive down to eastern Los Angeles County to visit the Southern California RV Show.  It's a long drive with horrendous traffic, but we were curious just what is available in the RV market these days.  A fave that resulted from it was that we were admitted FREE because The Professor is a (card carrying) military veteran.

Bonus:  An evening and a morning with Dr. Mike as our paths intersected in Stanford University area where he was giving a talk and we were overnighting on our trip.  I love it when serendipity happens!

I hope you have a great weekend with many unexpected blessings--watch for them, make note of them and be thankful.


nikkipolani said...

Ah, I love your final exhortation! Yes! Thanking the Giver of all good things. Glad you made it through all the driving and getting to be with your beloveds.

Barbara H. said...

We have a niece and her family in Napa - the fire got too close for comfort to the church where he pastors, but they are all ok. I feel for those who lost so much. Glad you all were safe in all your travels and had a wonderful meet-up with your son. My husband at one time talked about traveling via RV when he retired. I'm not so good a traveler -- we'll see.

There's truly no place like home. I look forward most to my own bed and bathroom when I am headed home from travel. :-)

Wendy said...

Glad you got home safely. The devastation caused by the fires was on our news this evening. So awful for the families affected. We Brits often complain about our weather but we don't really have much to moan about compared with some of the disasters taking place in other parts of the world.

Meredith said...

The fire devastation is such a tragedy. It is so sad.

Faith said...

we have been seeing the CA fires on our news stations. so horrible. glad you got through safely! yay for own bed coffee and your own space! and how neat to getmtime with your son. happy weekend!

Susanne said...

We've been watching the news on the fires and my thoughts have been with my bloggy friends who live in California wondering if any of you live in the affected areas. Glad you were able to pass through without any problems. Being home is wonderful after being gone.

ellen b said...

Glad you made it safely home. The devastation in the part of California is so sad. Glad your new computer is up and running. I'm a bit behind with commenting since we're in eastern Washington. Addy is sleeping right now so I've got some computer time. :)
I'm with Nikkipolani, a good exhortation.

Ingrid said...

It must be a very sad view on all these burnt ground ! Poor people and poor animals !

Jocelyn said...

I definitely do! Myriad gifts this weekend, including two lovely rides on my horse, time with my family, and even some time to write.

I have been Avebury - what an insanely magical place. It was years ago, and I still remember it.

Glad you made it safely home.