Friday, November 27, 2020

Day After Thanksgiving- Still Thankful

 This post may be a hurried attempt at Friday Fave Fives.  We are going to be heading out for a hike after we help Older Daughter finish a project at her rental house. 

1.  Today is the Day After Thanksgiving.  I am not a fan of Black Friday shopping.  In fact, I try to make a point of NOT shopping, so we will be doing #optoutside.  I am thankful to live in a naturally beautiful place.

2.  Thanksgiving Dinner at our house!  For the first time in So.Many.Years I hosted more than two people for Thanksgiving dinner.  We totaled eight people.  Only one was not from our immediate households.  (the extra was someone we knew in CA who has relocated to the same city and his plans were cancelled the day before).  No turkey.  Ham, chicken, salmon.  Obviously not traditional.

3.  I'm thankful my daughters are great cooks!  Pies.  Vegetable dishes.  More pies.

4.  This year, I baked the family famous Grandma Rylander's Rolls.  It's a prize winning (truth!) roll recipe that has been in our family since my grandmother started making them at least seventy years ago.  At one point I wanted to learn to make them, so she showed me the recipe and I copied from the cook book.  Then.  She said, "But I don't make them that way."  So I watched her make them and rewrote the true recipe.  As you might expect, one of the ingredients was 'a pinch of this'.  Our extended family has shared this recipe with new generations and I heard that this year, my cousin's daughters made batches of these rolls (and Grandma's orange bow knots, too).  I love the traditions that the generations continue to pass on.

5.  No Fave Five post is complete without the mention of a walk or hike.  The Professor and I managed to get outside between rainstorms this week and take a long walk on one of the many bike paths.  As you can see, most of the leaves are blown from the trees.  That makes it harder for the deer to hide.  Can you spot the camouflaged deer in the second photo?

So, Happy Day After Thanksgiving!  Let's not stop being thankful!


Meredith said...

It sounds like you had a wonderful day, stay safe.

Ingrid said...

Looks as i you had a nice Thanksgiving day ! We got new rules yesterday for our second lockdown ! The shops are allowed to open from Dec 1st on, one person per 10m2 ! Hairdressers still closed, I wonder why ! We are not sure if our son can come on Christmas, it will be decidded mid December ! I wished that this prison life would end soon !

Karen said...

My mother-in-law's rolls have been our family tradition. It's been a few years since she has been up to the task of making them. A couple of us have tried, but there must be a secret to them, because they just aren't the same! I am a terrible baker. Love to cook, but my baking always leaves something to be desired. Case in point: our apple pie on Thanksgiving was served in bowls. LOL!

Linda Hoye said...

Sounds perfect!

Barbara Harper said...

So glad you were able to have Thanksgiving with loved ones! Those rolls sound luscious. It is nice to have daughters--or a d-i-l, in my case--who can cook! How fun to have that roll recipe passed down.

ellen b. said...

I hope to be thankful every day! So happy to hear that you were able to gather and enjoy Thanksgiving with your local family plus one. So good to open our homes to others, too. So fun to keep the family traditions alive! Blessings!