Friday, November 20, 2020

November Fave Fives, Third Week

Hello to November Friday Fave Fives, Third Edition.  Is it really almost Thanksgiving and Advent??  Here are Five Faves from this past week, things I am thankful for.  And HERE is the link to Susanne's blog, so you can read more about being thankful this week.

1.  We are down to fewer than a dozen boxes to empty!  I am thankful that our home is starting to 'come together'.

2.  Because we've been helping Older Daughter empty the garage and shed before the house sale is closed, (YAY! Her rental house is nearing the SOLD condition!) we have been storing some things in our garage.  First I am thankful I HAVE a garage (first time in almost 15 years).  Secondly, I am thankful that we got it organized and park in there again.

3.  Older Daughter gave me her potting table!  It fits well in the garage and I love it!  I am thankful for a dedicated gardening work area.

4.  I love that phone call that says, "Hey, Mom. Can you drive me to my dr appt this morning?"  I am thankful to be living near my daughters so we can help them and they can help us.

5.  Lunch with someone I know.  I met a lady through my older daughter several years ago when I was visiting here.  We have many connections like both being from SoCal, work connections, church connections.  I am thankful that there are restaurants open for lunch and that my friend met me.  Then we walked around the town plaza so she could show me some of her favorite shops.  I'm thankful I'm making friends here!

Have you noticed that lately there have been no new photos here at Willow's Cottage?  My camera is working just fine.  It's the computer not wanting to talk to the camera that is causing an issue.  Hopefully, we can get it figured out soon.  In the meantime, here are some photos from my 2016 trip to England.  Exactly four years ago, Older Daughter and I were beginning our week of adventure exploring Devon and Dorset, just the two of us.

I still just can't get enough of England and English countryside!


Karen said...

It's nice to hear how you're settling in and already have a friend to do things with. I did a double take when you mentioned Advent. It always throws me for a loop when it begins the weekend of Thanksgiving! Thanks for the heads up;)

BTW, for some reason your post on the Mr. Linky this week took me to Susanne's post. Just an FYI.

ellen b. said...

I do hope if the Lord does not return for us soon that we will be able to take another trip to England when all this Covid craziness is behind us. Yippee for fewer boxes to empty, and a garage, and helping local daughters!

aspiritofsimplicity said...

It must feel so nice to be getting settled in with boxes and having a friend already in place is a wonderful treat!

Ingrid said...

You will manage to unpack the last cartons ! We moved in June and I still have one box to empty, but there is Christmas decoration in it so I am not so in a hurry !
I love the English countryside too ! I went there each year visiting a friend at the English South East coast and have done several roundtrips ! I wished I could go back ! But impossible to leave the country, our restaurants are all closed the cafes too and there is a curfew from at 10 pm !

Faith said...

Praise God for the unpacking and settling in and also of course for meeting new friends or reconnecting with friends and seeing the new town.

There's something wrong with my laptop and my husband says it's so obsolete I may have to buy a new one......can you say New Xmas gift from Apple?? (i'm hoping to afford a new-ish Macbook pro) i can relate about the camera issue. I'm having trouble posting certain things as well.

Yay for garages!! and for helping out daughters.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving week!!

Linda Hoye said...

Good to hear you're settling in! Hope you get the camera/computer situation sorted out though I enjoyed seeing your photos from England. We went a number of years ago and it was my dream-come-true trip.

Barbara Harper said...

Yay for getting unpacked and finding space to park in the garage! This is our first house with a garage and I LOVE it! It's so nice to live near family and be able to help each other out. It's great you are making friends already.