Tuesday, February 16, 2021

A Winter Drive

 We decided to venture out on a Sunday afternoon drive and explore the area south of our town.  The roads were clear, but the fields were snow covered.

I love the old farmhouses, churches, schools, and barns!
I would love to know the stories behind these buildings.

And now, we are snowbound for the next few days.
I'm glad we were able to get in a scenic drive between storms.


ellen b. said...

Nothing quite like a barn in the snow! Love these. Good idea to get out while you can before the stir crazies set in!

nikkipolani said...

Dreamy scenes, Willow. I'm glad to be looking at them from my 70F day ;-)

Beside a babbling brook... said...

What a beautiful area, you have, to drive through!

Oh yes, the stories old buildings could tell!!!!!!!!!

Lovely, lovely old buildings.....

Wendy said...

Lovely buildings. I hope you're not snowed in for too long.

Faith said...

ah....so you're in the farmland of Ohio!! the pics are so pretty. We only have about 3 inches of snow on our grounds here in eastern NY but the mountains where i hike have 12-14 on the summits and 8 on the trails!! which is why I'm not hiking yet.

Susanne said...

I love these snow covered country pictures. So serene and pretty.