Friday, March 04, 2022

Marching In Like a Lamb

 The weather, that is.  We marched out to our car and marched south, to visit friends.  And the farther south we drove, the better the weather.  But you know what they say, "In like a lamb, out like a lion."  For now, I'll take the lamb.

And I realized last night, "It's going to be Friday!"  We had just returned home, and I had to think about home routine.  Friday means Friday Fave Fives. (follow the link)  Obviously, our whole week was focused on our visit to Tennessee.

1.  Lunch with The Professor's 'oldest' friend, oldest meaning longest in time.  They were three and one.  Their dads were both part of the college/seminary and remained colleagues until they both were retired.  Then The Prof's friend was one of my teachers at the college.  We have remained friends through the years, so when they moved east, we promised we'd stay in touch.  Lunch with them lasted until well into the afternoon.  Fortunately, the restaurant was chill about our staying and talking and talking.

2.  Then we drove over to our other friends' home and settled in for two wonderful evenings and a fantastic day of exploring their new town.  We moved from the same city and same church in the same month.  I don't think we four stopped talking the whole time.  Oh, it was wonderful!

3.  As always, my camera was out and I was searching for photos of old barns as we traveled down the highways.  I found a few... (come back later to see more...)

4.   Of course, I am thankful for safety!

5.  And the weather was wonderful.  The day we walked around town, the weather was shirtsleeve warm.  Even Eleanor enjoyed being out and about in the sunshine.

Our friends' view from their back deck.

Let us rejoice in friendship, fellowship and fresh warm air!  And hope that March doesn't go out like a lion but stays lamb-ish.


Faith said...

Well your March came in like a lamb but ours here in eastern NY came in like a roaring lion!! (Wind, wind, wind and bitter cold temps. Only 8 degrees when I left for the classroom this morning at's been way too cold to bring our students outside!! Last year we were happily playing in mud this time of year). Now we still have frozen ground but the snow is starting to disappear (we had 4 inches last weekend). So glad you got to experience warm weather with good friends!!

And is that deer i see from their deck?? how awesome is that.

Thankful for safety for you, too!

Happy weekend!!

nikkipolani said...

Ahhh, how nice to see you (without a parka!) enjoying time with friends. Those are such precious times. And what an amazingly long friendship!

Monica said...

How nice you got to visit and has such wonderful weather to enjoy being out! I always enjoy your pictures!

Deb J. in Utah said...

Looks like a wonderful trip. So glad you could get together with old friends. Good weather and safety in travels is always something to be thank God for. Hope you have a good weekend. See you again soon.

ellen b. said...

How nice to take the drive to enjoy time with friends. Wondering if we traveled some of those same roads when we drove from Kentucky to Tennessee. Shirt sleeve weather!! Soon.
Happy weekend to you.

Barbara Harper said...

Where were you in TN? We're in Knoxville. That's a very long friendship between your husband and this man! So glad you got to do a bit of traveling and enjoy time with friends. And had good weather for it, too! Our March beginning was very lamb-like as well--days in the 70s lately. We're due to get own in the 20s again in a week or so, but I hope the weather doesn't get any more lionish.

Wendy said...

How nice to have such a lovely time visiting friends and with good weather. We're still wrapped up in coats here lol.

Barbara Harper said...

I responded to your comment on my blog, but wasn't sure if you'd see it, so I wanted to put it here as well: That would have been fun to meet in person! But TN is a big state. Plus, even if you had come to Knoxville, you might not have had time to visit. That’s one thing that keeps me from visiting where we used to live in SC–there’s no way I could visit everyone I’d want to.

A Joyful Cottage said...

How nice that you could catch up with long-time friends. I'm sure you were able to pick up just where you left off. That's one of the joys of life, for sure. Sadly, I never got a chance to travel to Tennessee when I lived in the Eastern part of the country. I do have friends there, and they love it. I hope you have a great week! Hugs.

Gattina said...

That was a week like I like beautiful weather meeting friends and you know here in Belgium it's normal to stay 4 h at table if you are with friends or family !

Rajani Rehana said...

Fabulous blog

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