Friday, September 16, 2022

Rejoice Always

 It is hard to believe that this is the third Friday of September.  But, here it is.  (And next week is the beginning of autumn!)  This month has been so busy that it is flying by.  But I need to stop and reflect on the blessings of this time.  "Rejoice always!"  One] way I help myself focus is to join several other people in Friday Fave Fives, writing FIVE ways I have been blessed or encouraged this week.  [follow the link to join in]

1.  I am so thankful for email and cellphones.  I live 2,500 miles away from my only sibling, my brother.  I am also very close to my sister-in-law, having been BFFs in high school.  So when we are able to easily pick up our phones and talk to each other or send a text or email, it is wonderful. (did you notice the extra fave in there? my brother married my best friend)

2.  This week we again met our friends T and S for coffee.  They are so much fun.  Knowing that they would be a few minutes late arriving at our pre-chosen destination, they decided to prank us and text us about the time they arrived, asking us if we were on our way to another location.  (we messed that one up a few weeks ago)  Just about the time, I read that text, they walked in the door!  Good prank!  We had a great laugh about that one.

3.  Younger Daughter and her two children are mostly moved in to the new house.  There are a few things in the basement and garage that still need to be transferred.  All those people helping was a major blessing.  We can expect that to be done in the next week or two.

4.  Older Daughter and Tall Boy are packing like crazy because they move tomorrow!  (To be very clear on this, the two families are moving in together--same home.  Being two single moms now, they realized that having two adults in the house is a big help.  And since they grew up together,  well, they know how to live together.)  Friends are lined up to help them move.

5.  A major thing is happening at Willow's Cottage right now.  Our patio was becoming uneven and sinking in one area.  We had been thinking about making some changes in that area, so we decided to just get a new one installed.  We've been waiting most of the summer for our wonderful contractor/landscape guy to start it.  The whole process has been fascinating, loud and crazy.  After two days, this is what it looks like.  I am so thankful that the work is started and we will soon have a new patio and firepit!

removing cement is a little scary

no more cement, just dirt

after two days of work for three workers
The perspective isn't great in this photo; no, our backyard is not an acre long.

I hope you can find more more than five wonderful things that happened in your life this week.


Faith said...

ah. I was wondering about your two daughters and their moves at the same time! How fun for them to share a house and expenses. Sorry to hear they are single moms now...i hope it was nothing super tragic. It's difficult for single moms and they are blessed to have you near by. My sister Joy has been a single mom to one boy and she sure had her hands full with her full time career AND raising him with me and my other sisters not close by nor our parents. (the father was not in the picture).

I LOVE that you have good friends to do coffee with . I just love that. and that prank was awesome !

Good luck with the new backyard patio. Can't wait to see pics.


A Joyful Cottage said...

So good to get some outdoor renovations completed before cold weather sets in. And you will still have time to enjoy the fire pit! xo

Deb J. in Utah said...

That's great that your two daughters are going to share a home. That new patio and firepit will be super nice. We have had some cement work done recently at our home, and it sure isn't cheap! Glad you could find a good contractor. Have a good weekend. See you again soon!

Karen said...

That's a big job breaking up the concrete! How nice it will be to have a new area for you to enjoy. And nice when you get your families all settled in to their new homes, too! Just in time for the holidays. I've always loved celebrating Christmas in a new (to us) house.

Your friends pranked you but good! My most embarrassing moment was arriving at a friend's Christmas party a week early :( Oh, I never lived that down. My poor hubby!

Have a good weekend!

Barbara Harper said...

What a good idea for the sisters to move in together. I love being able to easily talk to or text those far away. How fun to get a new patio! Well, it will be fun when it's done.

ellen b. said...

That new patio with a firepit is going to be a treat for you and all the grands! Hope all the moving goes well! Cheers from Oxford. We had a tour with Colin at The Kilns ventured into the preserve. It was fun to hear some stories from Colin about Lewis and his brother. Took a taxi to The Trout to top off our Lewis experience until we go to Madalen College to cap it off.

Ingrid said...

Once finished this patio will look very nice ! I remember the mud and dirt when we had it done in our house. No I am living like a princess in my apartment with a nice terrace but don't have any work to do, it's on the 4th floor, the building has 6. What a good idea to move together when both are in the same situation and know each other well ! It's much cheaper too !
I feel much better after my stay in England no stress and the people are adorable.

Susanne said...

That new patio will be so lovely to enjoy the outdoors. It will make the mess and wait so worth it. What a great idea to move the two single parents families together. Wonderful support for each other. The prank made me laugh. We have friends we can do that with too and it's such a blessing to have fun with them.

nikkipolani said...

That move for the two single moms sounds like smart thinking! Hope all goes well for the move and adjusting to living in the same house.

And good luck on that patio!

Melanie said...

Lots of things going on in your neck of the woods. I'm glad that you're having a new patio put in. Great idea for singles to live together like that - they can be such a support for each other. Have a lovely day!

Mia B. said...

I laughed out loud reading about T&S's text!!